💫 1.7

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Date: April 15th

"How long until he becomes an nobody?" Chenle asked, worry coating his voice as they watched their friend start to loose the colour from his eyes.

"We have 5 days." Haechan said, placing a hand on the younger boys shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"W-what happens if we don't find his letter? What happens if he looses everything." Chenle asked, sadness coating his words as he stutters, unable to think of one of his friends as a nobody.

Someone who usually is passionate about art, who takes the time to look at the little things, who is sassy and sarcastic but also cares about them so much.

Someone who is so full of emotion.

"We will find the thief, okay?" Jaemin said and pulling the younger boy into a hug.

Renjun just stood there, a few feet away, looking at everything and nothing at the same time, grey starting to show in his eyes as he was a few days from being completely oblivious to any emotion.

A similar situation was happening thousands and thousands of kilometres away from them as well.

Jihyun too was loosing her colour, her spark, and Jisung and Jeno were worried.

They had no way to hear from the moon to see if they were close to getting her letter.

They had come to the conclusion someone had stolen it, and that scared them.

Just like the boys, Jeno and Jisung couldn't handle watching Jihyun become less and less of herself, and more and more of a nobody.

What is a nobody?

A nobody takes form in the person who doesn't make that first connection with their soulmate. Eyes turning completely grey as they walk around the world emotionless.

Almost as if they lost their soul, becoming a zombie to the Earth.

They would walk around, not heading anywhere in particular, they would just walk. Eyes held no life and for the most part, they wouldn't speak.

It's as if they were in a coma, but they were still awake.

"Jeno, I'm scared." Jisung said, grabbing hold of the sleeve of his hoodie and pulling him closer to him.

"I know Ji, I am too."

Just like on the moon, the two had been watching the girl, waiting for the moment she'd regain consciousness from her emotions.

She was sitting on a bench, starring straight at the floor as her mind battled with itself.

She wasn't completely gone, yet, she had 5 days- and the boys had figured out that she could still feel fear.

Their hearts broke when she looked up, tears streaming down her face, grey taking up most of her eyes, but brown still showing through her tears.

Her face was stoic, but her eyes and voice screamed that she was scared.

Croaking out her next words as more tears fell down her face- pain prominent.

"Help me."


Its been two years and I'm still get scared watching NCTmentary...

It's creepy, yet aesthetic, but also makes me have an existential crisis, so that's fun

Also, I've finally made my decision on the song I love most from Neo Zone. Keep in mind I love all of the songs so much,

But "Love me now" is amazing and I've had it on repeat.

Go stream Neo Zone!!

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now