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Jihyun was laying on her bed, feet up against the wall as she looked up at her ceiling.

Somber music playing in the background to drown out her thoughts.

She just laid there, feeling as empty as she did when she had no emotions.

As she stared up at her ceiling, a stray tear fell down her face, but that didn't bother her. She had become accustomed to the familiar feeling of the salty tears running down her hot skin.

It had all become familiar, and despite Jeno and Jisung trying to help and distract her, to get her mind off of everything that's happened, they knew it only she could help herself- or maybe her soulmate.

The sound of her phone ringing erupted near her ear, but she didn't flinch, only picking it up and answering.

"Hello," she said with a monotonous voice.

"Jihyun, you okay?" The voice came from Jeno, and as soon as he asked the question, she squinted her eyes trying to hold back the heavy feeling in her chest that was raising to her throat.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Just doing homework," she said with a small chuckle, but that was obviously a lie. Homework was the last thing on her mind.

"Okay, you're definitely not, but I won't push you just know I'm always here to talk... how did it go with your soulmate?" He asked, hoping that it would brighten her obviously sad mood.

Jeno had always been good at figuring out when Jihyun was mad, having spent their childhoods together, they were basically family at this point.

Jihyun only sighed, only now remembering her soulmate that she blew off.

"Not good im going to guess?"

"It's not that it wasn't good," she began, looking up out of her window to the bright silver moon, "he's amazing. He's funny and kind- but I blew him off."

There was silence over the line but she could hear Jenos breathing loud and clear.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, and this made Jihyuns chest even heavier than before.

"I-I don't know. The guys in class called me a freak again a-and, I don't know, it just came out of my mouth." She stuttered out, another tear falling down her face and her lip trembled as she tried to hold on her emotions.

"W-what if I blew the only chance I had with him Jen? W-what if he doesn't want to be my soulmate?" She mumbled out, the weight finally getting to her as she let them loose- tears falling erratically and her chest raising and falling as she tried to breath between her sobs.

"I-I didn't m-mean to-"
"Jihyun, listen to me. You didn't blow your chance. It was the first time you two have spoken and I know those bullies said something to you again, and I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you- it sucks im in another class. But this dude- wait what's his name?"

"R-Renjun," she stuttered out, hiccuping as she tried to calm herself down.

"Right, I bet Renjun right now is waiting to hear from you. You guys have already gone through so much together despite being on different planets. You have been bonded together since before the age of time. He definitely wants you Ji, he's probably scared that you don't want him."

Jihyun sniffled, listening time every word Jeno said to her. She could always rely on him to talk sense into her.

"Am I right or am I right?" He asked and Jihyun chuckled lightly, nodding even though he can't see.
"You're right."

"Good, now I'm going to hang up and you're going to talk to your soulmate, okay?"

"Yes Jeno," she said with a smile, sniffling once more as she I went to pull her phone away from her ear.

"Oh and Ji," his voice rang through the phone and she placed it back up against her ear.

"I love you and I'm always here for you, now go get your man!"

She laughed once more before the familiar sound of beeping rang through her ear indicating he had hung up.

Jihyun wiped away her tears, sitting up and in front of her window, she looked up to the moon.

She took a deep breath and composed herself, getting comfortable as she look out of her window.


There was silence, and Jihyuns heart started feeling heavy again when she didn't get a reply. Tears welling up when she thought about giving up once again.

But before all hope was lost, there he was, right when she needed him.


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