💫 2.8

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Her heart was racing expeditiously, trapped within her chest, and sending a sharp ringing sound to her ears.

Her head clouded as the air around her got trapped in her throat.

The words of peers around her going unbeknown to her as they look at her with furrowed eyes and wonder if she was okay.

But she was anything other than okay as she felt like she could faint any second.

A must of grey covered her eyes and her hand reached out in front of her as she was forbidden to see through the fog of grey.

Her hand landed on the cool surface of a nearby locker, her fingers curling as the other hand came up to her head, grasping at the strands as she turned around and started sliding down the surface of the locker.

Her knees brought up to her chest as her head hung down.

Her breath unstable and shaky as every small thing infiltrated her mind- like a parasite.

An unwanted memory that would haunt her forever, a lamentable pain that only she was aware of. The outside world knowing nothing of the sorts as they live a life of lies. 

Her shoulders shook as tears fell down her face, nose becoming blocked and throat feeling suffocated under the immense amount of pressure as the weight of the memories only known to her come crumbling down.

The ringing in her ears prohibited her from hearing the footsteps and calls that made their way towards her.


The voice made her squeeze her eyes shut, the picture of his face infiltrating her mind as she remembered every moment he had called her name.


The voice had become firmer and she shook her head, gasping for air as she chocked out tormented sob.

"Jihyun look at me," the voice once again spoke out and the girl fought internally in what to do, pushing against her own devil as she felt the weight of a hand being placed on her shoulder.

She looked up through wet eyelashes and red, puffy eyes. Cheeks stained with tears and lips a bruised red as her teeth dug into the soft flesh- stopping the trembling.

Her face was a wash of white and her nose shun hues of reds and pinks as she continued to hyperventilate through gritted teeth.

Her head pounding as she looked into the eyes of the person she had tried so hard not to see.

But they were there- and they were kind, and they were benign.

Dark orbs filled with so much love and curiosity and wonder, had been staring right back at her with worry.

His lips moved as he tried to speak to her but she could not understand, eyes trying to focus on his lips but all she could remember was how soft they were.

How they felt on hers and how they fit together like two puzzle pieces, made for each other.

Her eyes flickered back up to his as she felt his other hand fall onto her other shoulder.

"Jihyun breath," she heard him say, "you got this, just breath," his voice became more coherent, over powering the ringing that went on inside her head.

She took in a shaky breath through her nose, following how he was doing it and exhaling through her mouth.

She continued to do this, focusing on the boy in front of her as she followed his every move.

Her breathing slowly became less painful to do so as she blinked away her final tear.

"There we go," he said once more, his hand coming up to wipe away her tears as she finally began to calm down.

She closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing to steady herself, the ringing in her head dismissing itself leaving only an aching heart behind.

She pried open her eyes once more, vision landing on the boy in front of her- those same eyes still looking at her in worry- and she couldn't help the smile that slowly pricked at the corners of her lips.

"Renjun," she whispered out and his eyes widened a little as she fell forward, body crashing into his open arms.

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now