💫 2.17

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Laughter filled the booth the 7 of them had occupied, as jokes and teasing lingered between the group.

Their food had just arrived and everyone had begun to dig in, filling their mouths with the various dishes that laid out displayed on the table.

Renjun picked up his burger, sinking a bite into it a humming in approval of the taste.

It wasn't until he looked up, watching Jihyun take a sip of her big drink that had made a sharp headache form and penetrate at Renjuns mind.

He closed his eyes, a hand coming up to lean his head on as a vision began to form.

"What is this called again?" Renjun asked as he bit into his burger, eyes opening in shock at the flavours that swarmed in his mouth.

Jihyun let out a small laugh as she took a sip of her drink.
"It's called McDonald's, do you really not have this on the moon?" She asked, a little shocked as the restaurant was pretty much on every block.

A groan had left the boys lips, making everyone on the table aware of his state.

"Dude, you okay?" A voice asked, but he sat unresponsive- eyes squeezing tightly as more visions start to appear.

"No," he said shaking his head and taking another bite. "I mean there's something similar to this, but these flavours I haven't had before."

"That's so weird," Jihyun said as they continued to eat.

Sweat had began to form on Renjuns head, beads of water running down his temple as the headache intensified.

"W-what," he managed to mumble out, fingers gripping at his hair, as he shook his head, trying to ride himself of the excruciating headache.

The pain causing him to wince as his head throbbed, heart palpitating just as fast as blood rushed to his ears.

Renjun managed to teared his eyes open, looking up at Jihyun who was watching him scared- eye brows knitted in worry.

He squeezed his eyes shut once more before forcing himself out of the booth.

"Renjun-" The others called out, but he couldn't hear. Suffocating on the air around him as he pushed through the front doors and into the car park.

"I should go check-"

"No, let me do it."

Jihyun exited the building, looking around nervously before spotting the boy sitting on the curb, head in his hands and hair dishevelled.


"No!" He exclaimed, holding a hand up and the girl and making her stop in her tracks.

"What's wrong?" She asked calmly, watching his figure intently.

"W-why, why does this keep happening, why do I keep having these- these visions! Of you and me! Doing things we have never done before," he stumbled out, mind in a whirlwind as he tried to make sense of what's happening.

Jihyuns eyes widened, voice beging trapped in her throat as she realised he had just had another memory.

"Fuck," she whispered under her breath, her palms now gaining a thin layer of sweat as she realised the situation she had just found herself in.

"Don't let him remember," the voice so clearly rings through her head and she curses at herself.

"What are these? Am I going insane?" He asked out, eyes wondering around her body looking for answers.

She could tell him, right then and there, and she wanted to. But she couldn't risk another eternity without him.

And after all, wouldn't it be best that he could live a normal life without knowing, than an eternity alone on the moon.

Jihyun didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say, or how to act. So instead she turned on her heels and began to walk off.

She began to walk away from the restaurant, from her friends, from him.

"W-wait, Jihyun!" His voice called out and her steps became more hurried, her hands in her pockets as she rushed off down the street. Tears stinging at her eyes.

"Jihyun wait!" His voice called out once more and she shut her eyes, trying to collect herself right in time as she felt a hand grab at her arm making her stop.

She turned around, not looking up at him in fear that she'd burst.

"Why did you walk away? Do you know something? Do you know why I keep having these?" He asked frantically, wanting answers so badly, and maybe he had just found the person to give them to him.

"Jihyun, look at me," he spoke and she shook her head.

"Why can't you look at me?" He asked, genuinely confused, he tilted his head to get a better look at her but she just looked the other way.

"What's wrong?" He asked more calmly this time, voice low and soothing to her ears- he was torture.

"I-I can't. I have to go," she said, abruptly turning around and trying to walk off, only for him to reach at her once more.


"No you wait! I'm trying so hard, so so hard but you are making this all so impossible. Why can't you just leave me alone! You hurt me Renjun, it hurts to look at you," she bursted out, tears finally escaping her eyes as she began to sob. "I can't do this anymore."

Renjun stood there, wide-eyed and in shock.
"I- uh,"

Her eyes held so much pain in them and he felt a piece of his heart break. Watching as she looked up to him with glossy eyes and tear stained cheeks- his heart broke.

"Please, Jun. Just leave me alone," she managed to collect herself enough to turn around once more.

"I'm sorry," she said lowly, but he still heard. Watching as she began to walk away once more into the horizon. Body going out of view once she turned a corner.

She leant against the wall once out of sight, head falling back against the bricks as she let the tears fall down her face.

Lips trembling as she tried to calm herself down, only resulting in her working herself up more.

She slid down the orange brick wall, bringing her knees to her chest as she began to sob.

Taking in sharp breaths to calm herself down- but the memories and images of his face looking down at hers with complete and utter heart break, broke her.

She was a monster, she didn't deserve him.


Why do I feel so worthless :(

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