💫 2.21

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"It's you-"

It felt like time had stopped, that everything for the first time felt right- and that Jihyun, for a split second, forgot that the immense amount of happiness she was now feeling, shouldn't exist.

Because he wasn't supposed to remember, she was supposed to live in pain and he was to stay happy.

And while the two stood in each other's grasps, in pure euphoria, with the thought that everything would be okay- everything was pulled away from them within a split second.

Jihyun watched as Renjun disappeared in a cloud of white smoke.

Her face falling as her hands were now grasping air and his smile that was once in front of her, was no longer.

His gentle eyes disappearing from her mind and all forms of happiness she experienced within that split second was ripped away from her brutally.


Her knees buckled, making her drop to the floor, eyes staring straight at the door as tears began to fall down her face.

Her breathing became fractured, staggered and almost impossible to do as her throat began to close up.

Her jaw clenching in time with her stomach as she bored lasers into the door. That fucking door.

Her nose stinging and shoulders becoming heavy as her heart felt like it was getting stabbed by a million knives.

Jihyun squeezed her eyes shut, opening her mouth and letting out the most guttural scream anyone could ever experience.

But she couldn't hear it.

Everything felt slow, it felt painful and it felt like torture as she let out lamented wails.

She couldn't hear the people running into the room, she couldn't hear them asking if she was okay, she could only hear his voice.

She felt weak as her mind replayed all their moments together, she should have cherished them more, she should have told him how much she loved him.

But he was gone, and she couldn't get him back.

She didn't know whose arms she was falling into, but she didn't care. Her arms harshly grabbing onto their arm, their clothing, anything she could as she let out caterwaul after caterwaul.

Her heart hammered against her rib cage expeditiously, threatening to burst as every muscle in her body stung with a sharp pain.

She felt heavy and weak, she couldn't move and all she could think of was how she will never be able to see him again.

How she had failed, how she betrayed him by banishing him to an eternity alone.

How she will never be able to see his face again, having no photo evidence of their time together and the only remembrance would be the moments he had spent with him and his friends.

"Jihyun," she heard a voice call out.

"Jihyun," it sounded familiar.

The girl brought her wailing to mere sobs as she pried open her eyes, and instead of being in the institute of galactic affairs, she was in an endless white room.

Her vision fell upon a hand, following the arm up to the person she had met once before.

"Kun..." she whispered out, placing her hand in his and being pulled up gently.

His hands laid behind his back, he was tall, grande and pure. He wore robs and necklaces after necklaces, and his stance and posture seeped authority.

He was the grand master of the moon guardians, and Jihyun had met him once before.

"So you know why we are here," he stated simply and Jihyun nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Good, so you Are aware that because of Renjuns remembrance he has been sent to an eternity on the moon alone," his words felt heavy upon the girls heart as she look towards the floor in shame.

"Yes sir."


"Will he be okay?" Jihyun blurted out, looking up to the guardian with tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes.

He sighed, looking out upon the whiteness and bringing his hand up nonchalantly- swiping across.

A image was pulled up, Jihyun stepped closer to the guardian to get a closer look.

She gasped when she saw Renjun, he was laying admits the rubble on the street asleep. Worry and sadness filled her body as she watched his sleeping form.

"Don't worry young one," Kun spoke again, swiping his hand once more. Jihyuns eyes widened as she watched all the rubble turn into buildings, like it was good as new.

"He will be fine, we have everything sorted-"

"Why did you have to do this?" She interrupted him once more and he exhaled lowly.
"Why does he have to spend eternity on the moon, why couldn't he just remember and everything go back to normal?"

"Because young one, you were there for the protests, if people were to remember than they would continue and a mass extinction would occurs for our kind. Wars after wars would ignite and set the world aflame, it would be a massacre," Kun began, swiping his hand once more and showing the girl images and videos of the earth and moon in flames.

"But how do you know that? It might not."

"Because this is the future I'm showing you, it's set in stone. So if Renjun remembered and stayed on Earth then this would all occur. More people would start remembering and then the apocalypse." His words scared Jihyun, forcing her to gulp down her fear as she diverted her eyes from the screen to the other one that showed a sleeping Renjun.

"You said he will be okay, right?"

Kun never responded though, and when Jihyun turned her head to look at him, she was once again faced with that dam door.

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