💫 1.31

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"So when is the actual day you're coming to Earth? And how?" Jihyun asked, unlike Renjun that topic had been briefly mentioned before.

She knew about the first needle they have to get and that after the first needle and they have to decide which planet they want to stay on- and that once they decide there's a more permanent solution.

Which wasn't exactly the best, but they obliged anyways.

Once the soulmates decide which planet they want to live on, they are not allowed back on their original home planet due to safety reasons.

No one had ever actually ever found out what would happen if you were to go back after the first time. It was just a rule planted by the earth and moon.

Some said that you would combust, others said that you would die a painful death; yet no one actually knew if that was true or not. No one actually knew either if the needles worked as well- but they trusted their guardians.

"Huh, mum didn't say, I'll ask her tonight," Renjun spoke as Jihyun began to walk into school.
"I still can't believe that I get to see you, even if it's only for 24 hours."

Jihyun smiled as she opened up her locker, forgetting for a second that she had been on her school hallways.

"I can't wait to show you around, what's something you've always wanted to see?"

A hum vibrated through Jihyuns mind as Renjun began to think.

"I've always wanted too see the sea! oh, maybe a museum! I'm not quite sure, I just wanna see as much as possible."

Jihyun let out a small laugh at the excitement the boy was expressing.

She hadn't really thought about how much each planet didn't have. Like how the moon has technological advances that Earth could only Imagine.

While Earth has basic and fundamental things like colour, and animals.

The two planets were vastly different and so were the people.

"I guess that's it then, we will just have to do everything," Jihyun smiled and nodded her head, already coming up with ideas to which they could do.

As she lifted her head she saw Jeno and Jisung in the distance walking towards her.

"Hey Jun, I have to go, my friends just arrived."

"That's all good sunshine, just sent a thought when you get bored during class. I'll be waiting- see you."

"Yeah, see you." She said, butterflies erupting in her stomach over the nickname the boy had given her.

Sunshine, it made her happy and warm, just like the feeling she got when she spoke to the boy. A smile pricked at the girls lips subconsciously as she repeated the word over and over again in her head.

"What are you smiling about?" Jeno spoke up bring the girl out of thought.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." She said bashfully.

"Right," he said elongating the word in disbelief.

Jihyun rolled her eyes and shook her head, watching as Jeno elbowed the younger boy in the ribs, to which he winced in pain.

"Ow, ow! Can you please stop going to the gym, you're too strong," Jisung wined, escaping out of the boys arm reach and hiding behind the smaller girl.

"Oi, why are you hiding behind me?" She said stepping out of the way but Jisung grabbed her by the shoulders and placed her in front of him.

"He's too pointy, you're soft."

Jihyuns head whipped around and her mouth dropped in shock.

"Point?" Jeno mentioned in a scoff.
"Soft?!" Jihyun exclaimed.
"You better take that back- oi, get back here!"

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now