💫 1.39

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Once Renjun had met with Doctor Choi outside he guided him into another room.

The room was quite large, it was nicely decorated and it felt welcoming but Renjun also felt that something was different about the room.

The overwhelming sensation washed over his body and his mind went a little hazy as he stumbled slightly on his feet.

He grabbed hold of his head as one of the doctor held onto his other arm to steady him.

"What is that?" He said, feeling a little dizzy.

"That's the energy sent from Earth," he started as he walked Renjun over to a seat.
"The Earth and Moon aren't only connected by soulmates, but also by an energy source that powers both planets."

Renjun looked up to him, only now hearing about this for the first time.

"The energy currents are so strong that that's what made you temporarily dizzy. There's nothing to worry about, rather this is quite an amazing thing. You are one of the few people who gets to experience this magnificent flow of power."

Renjun looked up to the door, eye brows furrowing in confusion. "What's that then?" He said, nudging his head up to indicate what he was talking about.

"That, is how you will be getting to Earth," Doctor Choi said proudly as he helped the boy up.

"Through a door?" He seemed confused. He thought it would have been by a rocket or anything other than a door...

"Yes, the moment you step through that door you will be on Earth. There's no weird side affects or purple glaze that you have to walk through. Opening that door means your opening a door on the other planet," he explained and Renjun could only nod.

Eyes glistening in eagerness but also a hint of hesitance in his step as he began to step forward towards the door.

"You have one minute before you can go in, anything else you want to know?" Doctor Choi said and Renjun turned around, bowing and shaking his head.

"No Doctor Choi, thank you so much for this," Renjun said, bowing once more and watching as the Doctor looked down at his watch.

"20 seconds left, and honestly it's alright. With the new law coming in soon, this may be my last person I get to send off to Earth," he said, the last part being under his breath and quite fast and Renjuns eye brows furrowed.

He was about to ask what he meant when he looked down at his watch once more, "okay, it's time," the Doctor said as he pushed the boy closer to the door.

His hand landed on the handle and as he opened it, a mass amount of bright light piled into the room.

Renjun tried to look back at the Doctor, trying to make sense of what he said.

"W-Wait- what did you mean by-"

Before he knew it he was walking through the door, the bright light blinding him as he held up his hand to cover the light.

The door shut behind him and Renjun began to squint, trying to get used to the light.

As his eyes started to adjust he dropped his arm slowly. His blinking was rapid as he began to look around, light still bright as he started to adjust fully.

The room he was in was gorgeous, there were tons of windows and plants littered everywhere.

A smile began to prick at his lips as he noticed the colour green on the leaves of the plants. It was new and foreign, but he loved it.

It wasn't until his eyes started to drift when his breathing stopped and mouth dropped.

Time froze still as his heart began to beat rapidly. Eyes connecting with those in front of him and his mind went blank.



I should've written this in the other chapter, but...


Him saying "fuck" too was so poetic and music to my ears.

I legit can't stop listening to it it's that good.



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