💫 2.10

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"Man you sound absolutely insane," Jeno tutted out to the boy as he watched him bang his head against his bedroom wall.
"You and Jihyun have never been to a park together."

"I know," Renjun spoke out lowly, his head now resting against the wall as he kept his eyes shut, mind going over the memory, or vision, he just had.

"Then why are you so enthralled by it, when you know it's clearly fake."

"I don't know," Renjun sighed, dragging himself over to his bed and falling on top of the covers next to Jeno.

"It just feels... real," he said, bringing his hands up and looking at them- picturing hers in his and he clamped his fingers into a fist, sighing once more as he closed his eyes.

Jeno just looked down at his friend, eyes raking over his distressed figure and he dropped his hand down onto his shoulder, making the boy flinch.

"Well, maybe your mind is playing tricks on you. Try not to think too much about it, kay?" He said and Renjun hummed in approval, looking up to the boy who was now patting his shoulder.

"I got to go, I have a test tomorrow that I have to study for- by dude," he stood up and grabbed his bag, waving to the boy who's reciprocated the wave as he left.

After his friends figure disappeared from view he dropped his head back down.
"Right, don't think about it."


"Alright class, carrying on from last lesson we will be continuing on about 1937," the teacher began, wiping whatever was left off of the white board.

"Renjun, would you mind filling us in," he said turning around, leaning against his desk as he awaited the boys answer.

The pen that had been hanging from the corner of the boys mouth fell onto his page as the teacher called his name.

His posture straightening and his eyes immediately flickered to Jihyun, who's attention was on him.

"The- uh, portal created an explosion within the Institute of Galactic Affairs causing the building to go up in flames," he said diverting his attention back to the teacher.

"That is... correct," he began, eye brows furrowing as he began playing with the white board marker in his hand.
"But what do you mean... portal? There were no portals?" He said with a scrutinised laugh.

Renjuns head tilted in confusion, "but last time I said there was portal explosion and you said that was correct."

"Uh, no I didn't," he began, "did I say anything about a portal explosion," he asked the class.

A conjugated burst of no's filled the room and his peers shook their heads.

Renjuns head dropped as he looked at his hands in confusion.
"But I'm sure-"

"Mr Huang, are you feeling alright?" His teacher asked making his head shoot up abruptly.

"What? Oh uh, yeah I'm feeling great," he said, but his voice was filled with uncertainty.

"All right then, let's carry on," his teacher spoke out to the class, gathering their attention before he carried on his lesson.

But his words went unknown to the boy as his mind drifted off- he was positive he had said it was because of a portal explosion.

Wait... a portal explosion? What did I mean by that? Why would there be a portal? That makes no sense what so ever, maybe I am going insane.
The boy thought as he burnt holes into his workbook.

His mind trying to figure out what would have gotten him to say portal, no history book he has ever read had suggested the possibility of a portal.

Maybe I could check at the ex-

His body had began to react on its own as his hand shot up.

The class fell silent as they all brought their attention back to the boy.

"Yes Renjun?" The teacher looked a little annoyed that he had interrupted his class.

Renjuns mind only now catching up with his body as he brought his hand down slowly, eye brows furrowed as to why his body had done that.
"I- uh, was wondering about the excursion."

"Ah right, the excursion. I do not know how you found out about that but I was going to tell you at the end of class," the teacher began and Renjun let out a little sorry.

"But alas, since you have asked I may as well tell you now. At the end of the term we will be going on a excursion to the museum that now lays inside the old building of the institute of galactic affairs. Allowing you to really get a close up on what happened all those years ago. It will be an excursion, as I said, so note taking is permitted," he said, handing out forms with the information on it.

Renjuns attention fell upon Jihyun once again who was putting her form into her bag.

"Class dismissed," the teacher called out as the bell began to ring through the class.

Chairs scrapping against the floor and chatter filled the room as frantic feet fleeted for the door- wanting to escape the hell hole of history.

Renjun continued to stare at Jihyun, watching as she stood up after packing everything away.

She began to head for the door when Renjun called out to her, "Jihyun, wait!"

The girl stopped in her tracks, hands gripping hold of her bag straps as she turns to face the hurried boy.

Laughing slightly as he almost tripped over his feet trying to reach the girl.

He stopped right in front of her, ears heating up as he suddenly realised he didn't know what to say.
"H-hey," he mumbled out, raising his hand in a awkward wave.

"Hi," she said with a slight giggle.

"I- uh, was wondering if you were feeling any better. You know, from the other day."

"Yes, I am," she said with a smile and Renjun felt as his ears burned up even more.
"Thank you so much by the way."

"Oh, it really isn't any problem, you really made me worried," he said looking down at her as they began to walk down the hallway.

Her head dropped at the sound of his words, "sorry about that," she said lowly and Renjun stopped.

"Jihyun, please don't apologise, you did nothing wrong," he said as he watched the girl stop a few feet in front of him.
"You should never have to apologise for anything. As long as you're okay, then I am happy."

"Why are you so suddenly caring about me?" She asked in a harsher tone then she expected- catching the boy off guard.

His eyes widened a fraction at the girls odd behaviour.
"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

There was silence on her end, her back turned to him as she tried to hide the fact that tears began to pool in the corner of her eyes.

"Just," she began, taking in a deep breath to calm herself down, "forget about it."

Her shoulders slumped as she turned around.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, that wasn't nice."

"No no, it's okay. I understand, we haven't exactly been friends long, I just felt this weird connection to you," Renjun said and Jihyuns body stiffened.

Renjun noticed and a wave of panic washed over him, "oh my God that must've sounded so weird, I promise I'm not a psychopath or a weirdo, I promise."

He groaned in embarrassment, head tilting back as he cursed at himself internally.
"Good one Renjun, you made her feel uncomfortable," he whispered to himself, unaware that she heard.

"Please don't go beating yourself up, you didn't make me uncomfortable I swear," she said as she stepped closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as she gave him a sympathetic look.

"Here," she started, removing one of her arms from her bag strap and bringing her bag around her body- opening it up and retrieving a bag.
"Do you like skittles?"

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