💫 2.16

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Screw Jeno for being such a great best friend and knowing Jihyun better than she knew herself.

"I don't know, I just didn't want to come back to class," she said, trying to avoid the question and walking a little bit faster.

"I know you're lying Jihyun, but I won't push you if you don't want to tell me. Just know I'm always here for you," he said reassuringly and she felt a pang sent straight to her heart.

She hated having to lie to her best friend, to know all these secrets that she can't burden anyone with except herself.

"If only you'd understand," she whispered to herself sombre. Unheard by his ear.

"Common Ji, let's go find the others- and don't worry, I'll go along with this whole period thing," he sent her a wink before interlocking their arms and walking towards the school.


The 7 of them were currently occupying one of the many booths at their local McDonalds, waiting for their food that they had ordered and talking amongst themselves in the meantime.

"I think you should tell her," Jihyun said matter-of-factly as the 6 of them were offering up their dating advice to the youngest who was having girl troubles.

Jisung sighed, head dropping, "but what if she rejects me?"

He's had the same crush on this girl for over a year, and the group was starting to get sick of listening to his unrequited love.

But the tables had turned when they had been partnered up for a project and began hanging out more.

"What is she like when she's around you?" Renjun asked, not particularly interested in his situation but helping nonetheless.

He sighed once again, "she's, amazing. She does this cute thing when I try to crack a joke where she smiles and looks down and tucks her hair behind her ear," he began, completely smitten over this girl who had captured his heart.

"Whenever she laughs she grabs hold of my arm, and I swear butterflies are eating me alive. Oh, or the fact she had made me a playlist to study to when we got together once for the project... do you think she likes me?"

His question made the group have an aneurysm. Chenle smacked him over the head, Jaemin went from heart eyeing the love struck boy to dropping his head onto the table with a thud.

Haechan face palmed his face and Jihyun was rubbing her temples with her index fingers. A look of complete bewilderment written in their faces.

"You really are stupid Jisung," Chenle deadpanned out at his best friends antics.

"What do you mean?" He said, completely clueless to what was right in front of him as he rubbed the back of his head- easing the pain inflicted onto him by Chenle.

"Of course she likes you dim wit," Jeno said, tutting at the boy.

"You're quite clueless to love my dear baby," Jaemin spoke up, shaking his head at his self proclaimed child.

"So, you recon she does like me?" He asked slowly, still a little unsure.

"Yes!" They had all said together, causing him to flinch a little before a smile pricks at his lips.

"Great," he whispered under his breath. Making a fist in Triumph to himself.

The rest continued on with a muffled conversation, and Renjun took this as the time to lean over the table, getting closer to the girl in front of him.

"Hey Jihyun," he whispered and Jihyun let out a hum as she looked up- eyes connecting with her one sided soulmate.

"How are you feeling? You know, because of your period," he said lowly so they others didn't hear.

A smile formed on your lips as she admired him.

"I'm great Renjun, thank you for asking" she said with a smile that he reciprocated as he leant back.

"Here you go," the waiter spoke interrupting everyone's conversations and putting down their food.

They had paid for a feast.

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