💫 2.15

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"Okay Jihyun, collect yourself," Jihyun said to herself, turning on the faucet and splashing her face with water.

The coldness soothing her burning skin and reducing her puffiness after her encounter with Renjuns father.

Mentally and physically prepping herself to head back onto the school oval to rejoin that dreaded class.

She looked at herself once more, adjusting her schools sport uniform before heading out onto the field.

"What took you so long? Taking a shit?" Haechan asked nonchalantly as she rejoined the group.

She looked at him with a disgusted expression, "ew, no," she said, now having to come up with an excuse that she failed to think of in the toilet.

"I was uh- having female... problems, yeah," she said, mentally face palming herself at her shit of an excuse. But it seemed to work as Jaemin came bouncing over to her.

"Aww, is my baby on her period. Are you hurting? Do you need to go to the nurses office?" The loveable boy cooed out, hugging the girl close and petting her head like a dog.

"I'm fine Jaemin," she giggled out, pulling away from the boy who was adorning puppy eyes.

She really was fine, because she wasn't actually on her period, but now she was going to have to act as if she was- maybe this was her chance to get free food.

"But I am craving a burger," she said with pouted lips, making Jaemin clasps his hands together.

"Then we shall give our baby a burger. Tonight after school all you losers are coming to McDonalds to treat our little Jihyunie," he said threateningly but with a sweet tone.

"Little?" She scoffed, huffing and crossing her arms.

"I mean you are short," Haechan retorted and her mouth hung open, slapping him on the arm- like that did much, all the boys were so much more stronger than her.

But the dramatic ass he is, Haechan frantically grabbed hold of his arm, stumbling back as he began gasping, "the pain, it hurts," he said falling against Jeno who in returned pushed him off of him, and just like that, he was back to normal.

"I hate you," she said, turning away from him and walking away.

"Awww, don't lie, you love me," he was cheeky, running in front of her and turning around so he was jogging backwards.

His eye brows raised as a smirk played on his lips- awaiting his answer.

Jihyun stopped in her tracks, taking a deep breath in before exhaling, "fine, you caught me," she said and it was as if her words lighted a match inside of him as he began to run around her figure.

The other boys began to laugh, making their way over to the girl.

"He's seriously so annoying," Jihyun said with a shake of her head and the others agreed.

"But he is right, we do love him."

The rest began to walk off, leaving only Jeno and Jihyun behind as the class came to an end.

The two watched as their figures became smaller as they ventured towards the end of the oval.

"You aren't really on your period, are you?" Jeno asked, breaking the silence.

Juhyun looked up to him before returning her gaze back to the school, the two falling in sync with each other as they made their way slowly towards the building.

"How'd you know?" She asked, a little confused at his statement.

Jeno let out a chuckle, "because I'm your best friend stupid, I know your symptoms and your first day is usually the worst."

He was right, her first day was the worst.

"So tell me, what were you really doing in that bathroom?"


I'm sorry for not really updating. This week hasn't been the best for me mentally

But I'm trying to get better xx

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