💫 1.12

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Hours left: 2

"Haechan. Found anything?" Jaemins words had started becoming desperate, time was running out quickly, and they weren't even close.

Chenle and Jaemin had decided to walk for a while, saving their energy for when the time is needed.

Jaemin would occasionally fly up and have a quick glance around, but there was never anything there.

The sound of the Walkie-Talkie made Chenle Listen closely.

"Nothing yet- wait, hold on. I-I see something."

Chenle and Jaemin brought themselves closer to the device as they were waiting for his next words.

"What is it Haechan?" Chenle stumbled out, heart beat racing, hoping it wasn't another false alarm.

"It's a..." Haechan said through concentration, tension rising in the air as the boy was taking his time, something that was precious to them.


"It's a letter. Oh my gosh guys it's a letter!"

Jaemin and Chenle looked towards each other, eyes wide as reality hit them- this was their chance.

"W-where are you?" Jaemin said through a dry throat.

"I'm near the boarder, East side." He has stated.

"We are on the west side, that'll take forever to get to you." Chenle whined, a gasp leaving his mouth as Jaemin suddenly grabbed onto him and quickly shot up into the sky. Flying as fast as he could to the opposite side of the moon.


Hours left 1.5

"I see the letter!" Chenle said excited, pointing towards the slip of paper floating effortlessly towards the ground.

A girl was sat on a bench, oblivious to what was going to happen.

Haechan had hid himself far away, but not too far where he couldn't see what was happening.

"Chenle, you ready?" Jaemin asked the boy who nodded, "ready as I will ever be."

The boy prepared himself, closing his eyes before detaching himself from Jaemin and dropping to the ground.

Eyes flashing a yellow before he went through a transformation.

A vague white light surrounding him, blinding the flying boy as he stopped in the sky- rubbing his eyes open to see nothing.

He was gone. Well, not entirely, he was still there. Just not visible to the naked eye.

"Okay Chenle, you can do this." He worked himself up, making his way onto the envelope safely.

Looking around through big eyes, he made his way through an opening of the letter, finding shelter from the thief.

Jaemin had found Haechan who was hiding behind a tree, making his way towards him, as the only thing the two can do now, is watch.

"Do you recon this'll work?" Haechan asked, eyes not leaving the falling letter.

"If it doesn't, we loose more than a best friend."

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now