💫 1.30

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"Hey bear, can I speak to you?" Renjuns mother called out, catching him before he left for school.

"Yeah sure," he said, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

His mother had been washing the dishes and had just finished up drying when she turned to him.

"So, as you're well aware, the day is soon arriving," his mother started off and Renjun looked at her with confusion. Eye brows furrowed as he tilted his head in an attempt to somewhat understand.

"What day?"
"Don't be silly bear, you know, the day you get to meet you soulmate- the day you get to go to Earth."

She said it as if it were a fact everyone should know. But it was in fact something his teachers had forgotten to mention during class.

How could they forget something as important as that? Renjun had always thought his soulmate would be on the moon, as is whole blood line had been, so he never thought about if they weren't.

"You didn't know?" His mother asked in shock and Renjun just shook his head.

"No I didn't."
"School didn't say anything?"
"That's so weird."

"So what do you mean by I get to go to Earth? Like I knew I'd have to go eventually, but like how?" Renjun asked, wanting to know the answer to how he will finally meet his soulmate.

"When you gain a soulmate from the Earth, you are allowed to go to Earth for 24 hours. It's also possible for Earth people to come here, but the needle you have to take is easier for Moon people."


"Yes, so the Earth doesn't have the same atmosphere as us- they have more insects, bugs, diseases and whatnot. So the guardians made a needle that gives Moon people the ability to visit the Earth easier. The only down side is that the first one you get only works for 24 hours."


"Yeah, only 24 hours," Renjun said, repeating everything he had been told back to Jaemin and Chenle.

"I mean at least you get to see her," Chenle mentioned before he went back to playing on his Fortendo Switch 84.

The moon was lucky- while Earth had pretty advanced technology, the moon was way ahead of its time. Often having fast and better devices to play within and make life a lot easier.

"I still can't believe you got your soulmate- I mean it was a journey, and you almost became a nobody- but I'm so jealous! I can't wait to get mine," Jaemin exclaimed and he started to bounce around.

"Only a few months and you will be able to send your letter Jaem," Renjun said, watching as Jaemin bounced back to his side.

Jaemin had always been the hopeless romantic, he had been waiting to send off his letter since the day he found out about it.

His heart would grow everyday so that he could shower his soulmate in enough love to make up for the 18 years they had been apart for.

"Yo homies," A voice said from beside and Renjun just rolled his eyes.

"Haechan, we can't see you."
"Oh right," he said, turning visible so everyone could see.

Renjun turned towards him before audibly gagging.
"Maybe you should turn invisible again."

Haechans face fell, jaw opening at the fact Renjun just called him ugly.

"Why you little-"


Just a clarification

The Fortendo Switch 84 is literally a Nintendo Switch ahaha

Except just imagine it was from the moon and like 50x more advanced and better.

Then yeah, I introduce the Fortendo Switch 84 😂😂

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now