💫 2.9

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"Are you sure you're okay, what happened?" Renjun asked, handing the girl over a bottle of water he retrieved from his back pack.

The girl gratefully accepted the water and lifted it to her lips, allowing the cool liquid to calm her down just a little more.

Renjun manoeuvred his way so he was sitting beside the girl, head tilted as he watched her intently.

She wiped away the excess water that stuck to the top of her lip as she gave the boy back his water.

He shook his head at her, "you have it."

Jihyun nodded and placed the water beside her, head falling back against the lockers as she looked up to the ceiling.

The was a pause, silence filling the hallway as people had now returned back to class.

Jihyun sighed, closing her eyes briefly before looking down at her hands.
"Do you ever feel like everything you do is fake? Like the whole world around you is living in this time you were not meant to be in."

Jihyun tilted her head to look at the boy, his eyes flickering between her two as he tried to make sense of what she said.

"I- uh, don't know," he said and Jihyun internally cursed at herself- letting her head drop back against the locker.

"But that doesn't mean I don't understand. My mum would always call me an old soul, saying that I was meant to be born in a different time as I see things differently than most people," he spoke and Jihyun once again tilted her head to look at him.

"It's like you're trapped in another time zone," he said with a small smile and her heart began to ache again.

The silence once again returned as Jihyun tried to look everywhere but him, eyes dancing around the empty hallways as she tried to calm her racing mind.

"Sorry about the huh," she said abruptly and Renjuns ears perked up.

"Huh?" His eye brows furrowed as he looked at her in confusion before finally understanding.
"Oh right, it's okay. It just kinda caught me off guard," he chuckled lightly and Jihyun continued to curse at herself.

Heart thumping against her rib cage as she tried to hold back tears.

Renjun tilted his head, trying to get a better look at the girl.
"Are you sure you're okay, Jihyun? You're worrying me?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Totally, I promise," she said rather fast, trying to reassure him a lie she was telling herself.

"Well I think it's about time I head back to class," she chirped out of nowhere and Renjun let out a tiny oh as she stood up.

Brushing herself off and sticking out her hand in offering.

Renjun kindly obliged and placed his larger hand in hers as she helped him up.

"Tha-" he stopped as his words got trapped inside the back of his throat.

His hand still in hers as he looked down at her, eyes wide as she peered up at him and it felt like this exact moment had happened before.

A flash of a memory appeared in his head of Jihyun and him in a park, hand in hand as they looked into each other's eyes.

Renjuns free hand flew to his head, as he squinted his eyes shut. A headache forming as the memory disappears from his mind.

"Are you okay?" Jihyun had now asked and she watched as he shook his head, eyes opening as he looked down to their interlocked hands- removing his from hers and clearing his voice.

"Y-yeah, just had a dash of déjà vu," he said with a slight laugh and Jihyun looked down at where his hand once laid in hers.

"I-uh, should go," Jihyun spoke out, not bothering to look up as she turned on her heels and began to walk away from the boy.

Her figure disappearing from view as he watched her once again leave.

He looks down to his hand after she was completely gone and he stared in confusion.

"What the hell was that?"

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now