💫 1.45

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"What's your favourite flower?" Renjun asked as he watched the girl admire the rose bushes.

"Orchids," Jihyun looked up to Renjun and smiled, "they look so elegant and pretty," she said standing up and brushing herself off.

"Now," she said happily as she looked up to the boy, "lets go to this picnic," she took his hand and began to lead him across the small park to a tree upon a small hill.

Under the tree laid a picnic blanket and a variety of different foods.

"I hope you like it, I tried to get as much of your favourite foods that you have mentioned before, but most of them we don't sell on Earth sorry," she said sitting down on the blanket and Renjun followed suit.

"It's okay, I'm sure everything will be amazing," he said kindly and Jihyun began to unpack more foods.

"How did this even get here?" He asked, quite confused as to when this all happened.

Jihyun winked at him as a half smiled played on her lips, "a magician never reveals their secrets."

Renjun chuckled at her words and helped her unwrap everything.

"All of this looks amazing, thank you," he said as he admired all the effort she did to pack everything.

There were sandwiches and fruit platters, macaroons and various lollies- even an apple pie.

"I tried to remake the apple pie you said your mum makes all the time, so I'm sorry if I don't give her justice, I'm sure she is a much better baker than I am," Jihyun laughed before dishing herself a plate of food.

"I'm sure it'll be great," he said serving himself some apple pie and taking a bite- eyes going wide at the flavours in his mouth.

"Do you like it?" She asked in anticipation, waiting for the boy anxiously to give her the answer.

"Are you kidding me, This is amazing! This is so not like what we have on the moon," he said and Jihyun sighed in relief.
"Phew, I thought you were going to hate it."
"Hate it? I definitely couldn't hate it, you did amazing," he comforted and she began to relax.

The rest of the picnic went by with jokes and stories to share, smiles and laughter filled the two with joy as they basked in each other's presence.

"Okay okay, I've got one- why don't eggs tell jokes?" Renjun forced out after laughing from the joke competition the two had decided to have.

"W-what?" Jihyun said, trying to hold back from laughing already. The jokes they were telling each other were stupid, but that's what made them funny.

"Because they'd crack each other up," he said and the two fell to the floor laughing, Jihyun was clenching her stomach as tears fell down her cheeks from laughing too hard and Renjun had resorted to silent laughing.

The only sound coming from him was the gasps for air he had to take other wise he'd die- his face red as he kicked the air.

There really wasn't anything funny about any of the jokes they told each other, but to them, they had become the funniest things they had ever heard.

"H-how can you tell it's a d-dogwood tree?" Renjun stuttered our and Jihyun began to shake her head,
"No, please, stop-"

"By it's bark," and just like that, laughter filled the air once more.

"That was so stupid, but im laughing," she said as she tried to get her breath back, chest still raising and falling rapidly as the two tried to calm down.

They collapsed, heads opposite each other as they looked up into the sky.

All jokes and laughter now dispersed as they sat in silence.

The distant shading of the moon could be seen in the sky and Renjun couldn't take his eyes off of it.

"It's so small," he said and she let out a hum in confusion before humming once more.
"It really is. But it comes in phases, sometimes the moon gets really big, and you can see the faint outlines of the city."

Renjun couldn't help but sigh, the city of Seoul was as big as the city on the moon, and that was just one of the cities on Earth.

Despite how seeing the moon so far away put into perspective just how small Renjun was compared to the universe, he couldn't help but smile.

Because out of everywhere in the galaxy he could be, he was finally by the side of the one person he had always dreamed of- the one person that made him forget about all his worries when around.

The person who brightened his world just by laughing, or how butterflies erupted in his stomach every time she smiled.

His sunshine.


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