💫 1.56

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As it dawned closer to 2am, the two were still sat outside watching the stars- only now they were laid next to each other on the deck.

Hands interlocked as Renjun subconsciously rubbed circles into the soft skin of Jihyuns hand.

It was peaceful, relaxing as the two tried to stay awake as long as they could, savouring every last second with each other before the fated journey Renjun has to take back up to the moon.

But the time they spent together couldn't stop the yawns the left Jihyuns lips. Her eyes squeezing shut as she let out another yawn.

Renjun looked to the side, a smile playing on his lips as he watched the girl. "Tired?" He asked amused.

"No," she said shaking her head as if to trick her mind that she wasn't actually tired.
"I'm wide awake," she tilted her head towards the boy and gave him a smile- squeezing his hand lightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked and she just nodded.

"Yeah, I'm not that tired."

"Okay," he replied, not exactly wanting to go to bed just yet. The two soon falling back into a comfortable silence.

The twinkling of the stars lulled Renjun into a soothing train of thought. His mind finally coming to terms that he was in fact on planet Earth.

A place he had only read about and watched about on their TVs. It was everything he could've imagined and more, but there was one thing he couldn't seem to quite forget.

Not just the protesters, but the guy in the convenient store. What he was calling Jihyun, and the tone in her voice when she first laid eyes on him. Then there was that- her power.

"Hey Sunshine," he spoke breaking the silence and she let out a hum in acknowledgment.

"What happened today at the store?" He could feel her body tense up beside him but he still continued to trace circles on her hand- comforting her.

"Oh... right," she began clearing her throat and turning her head away to look at a near by building.

"I uh- didn't mean it," she said and he continued to listen.

"He's the one that bullies me at school and It was fine when he was calling me names, but I don't know. When he turned to you something in me just kinda popped."

Renjun was looking at the girl, watching as she swallowed and watched the sky, trying not to faulted under his gaze.

"Do you hate me because of it?" She asked, worry coating her vice as she looked towards him with doe eyes. Voice wavering a little as tears stung her eyes.

The thought of her bully and the thought of her soulmate filled her head. How he was trying to get her to stop as her powers choked the boy.

"No of course not sunshine. I know you didn't mean it, and I know you aren't a bad person," he reassured her, wanting her to not think of the situation.

"Renjun, I-I'm scared," she broke out, a tear falling down her cheek as her mind raced 1000 miles per hour.

"Wait no sunshine, what's wrong?"
"What's going to happen after tomorrow?"


I need to stop looking at furniture sights for a bed...

I need to save my money and I also have a fine to pay...

Kids pleaseeeeeeee don't take after me. It was a simple mistake

But.... I am moving out at the end of the year and I need a bed then anyways.. soooooo

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now