💫 2.18

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It had been just over a week since Jihyun had last spoken to Renjun, and everyday he would turn to his friends in distress.

Confused as to why the girl left him on such a bad note. He was confused as to what he had done to her, but whatever he had done was obviously bad.

"I don't know what to do," he spoke out, head resting in his hands that were propped up on his knees.

He rubbed his face, "she was really hurt," he leant back, head resting against the back frame of the couch, not flinching when a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Why not talk to her?" Haechan asked, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth as he watches his friend go through a mental breakdown like it was his favourite TV show.

"I tried, but she just walked away," he let out a sigh, mind racking over everything that had happened.
"And then these visions don't help either."

"Visions?" Jaemin asked.

"What visions," Jeno said, taking his hand off of the boys shoulder and rounding the couch until he was sitting in front of him on the coffee table.

"You know, the visions I've been having of Jihyun... doing things that I haven't actually done with her..." he said, pretty sure with himself that he spoken to at least one of them about these visions- but they all looked at him clueless.

"Hyung, you never told us anything about these visions," Jisung spoke out, concerned for his elder.

"You sure these aren't just dreams you've had while you were asleep?" Chenle chuckled out in plaint, wincing when Jaemin hit him over the head.
"What was that for?"

"For being a dickhead. How do you know they were visions Renjun?" Jaemin asked, sitting beside the troubled boy and watching him intently.

"They just felt so... real," he looked down to his hands, eye brows furrowed as he reimagined one of the many visions he has had.

"But I don't understand them, because she says things in them that don't make sense. The smallest things trigger them as well, maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me," he sighed.

"I mean it is the end of the semester, the excursion is tomorrow and then we have exams so maybe you're just stressed," Jisung spoke out nonchalant, reaching over and stealing some of Haechans popcorn.

"That's it!" Why don't you talk to her at the excursion tomorrow. I can talk to the teacher and ask her to make you two partners, then you'll have to talk to her," Jaemin exclaimed, excited by his brilliant idea.

"B-but, what do I say?"

"Even if it's just to ask if she is okay, you don't have to ask her anything else- just see if she is okay," Jeno reassured the boy.

"He has a point, you need to find the reason behind her ignoring you, that isn't like her," Haechan said, agreeing with Jeno.

Renjun sighed once more, "I guess you're right."

"Well then, have a good sleep Renjun, and find out what you're going to say," Jeno said, patting the boy on the shoulder as they began to stand up one by one.

"Bye hyung, good luck."

"Bye Renjeon, you got this."

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Man i wish I could come tomorrow, I feel like drama will go down."

"Chenle shut the fuck up and go. See you tomorrow Jun."

Renjun watched as his friends left his living room, taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I got this."


Ngl... I feel like I could smash out this book today and finish it

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now