💫 2

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The night was dark and cold, a chilling breeze blew through the city- pinching at the skin of people who inhabited the night.

The only light available for people to see were emitted from the scarce streets lamps scattered around the quite street.

Snow falling every so slighting made ears flush hues of red, Jack Frost nipping at their nose.

A thin layer of snow coated the ground made crunching sounds underfoot

Puffs of smoke exhaled into the air from the warmth of Renjuns mouth as he made his way down the street- hands in pocket and jacket zipped up all the way- a simple scarf keeping his neck warm.

His head hung low as he made his way solitary down the street.

His mind lost as he walked in a daze, not giving notice to the world around him. The feeling of his phone vibrating in his pocket was the only thing to bring him back to reality.


Almost here?

Yeah, I'm just around the corner.
Did Jisung end up making it?

Yeah, he's sitting beside me now.
I ordered you a coffee

Thanks Jen

Np, now hurry up and get here

Renjun put his phone back into his pocket as he rounded the corner, the sight of the small, but vibrant, cafe came into view and he could see his friends smiling through the window- laughing at each other's jokes.

A warmth spread through him as made his way to the cafe.

As he opened the door, a warmth automatically encased him in a hug and friendly smiles from the waitresses welcomed him.

He took off his scarf and jacket and made his way over to his friends.

"Renjun finally you're here! Jaemin hyung won't stop pinching my cheeks," the youngest, Jisung, whined- moving away from the affectionate boy and placing Renjun in the middle of them.

"Here," Jeno said, pushing the mug filled with steaming coffee towards him and he thanked him.

Renjun brought the mug up to his lips, allowing the sweet liquid to warm his body as it entered his system.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he felt his body liven up from the caffeine.

"So," Haechan started, "did you guys finish your assignment?"

Chenles eyes widened, "we had an assignment?!"

Jeno shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder before pinching his cheeks. "You aren't in our class dumbass," he coped out to him and Chenle gave him a deadpan expression.

"Right... thank gosh, I was going to say, I haven't even handed in the ones from a month ago-"

Jaemin gasped and started hitting his hand that laid on the table, scolding him for being a bad student.

Renjun rolled his eyes as he zoned out the argument and chatter the table found themselves in.

The boy placed his chin on his propped up palm as he looked out the window.

Serenity and peace filling his body as he watched couples walk around the cold street.

Shopping bags and intertwined hands, laughter and business men on phone calls, friends meeting up and families doing last minute shopping.

The street was lively and bright for such a cold and dark night.

But as his eyes wandered, he couldn't help but glance at this one figure walking by herself.

She was covered head to toe to keep herself warm, hands in her pockets and Renjun was captured by her sight.

Her beanie adorned a white pom pom on the top that bounced as she walked. She walked lightly, a smile on her face and her eyes glistened underneath the street lamps.

Renjun felt a spark go off inside of him, eyes widening as he continued to stare at her.

But why did she feel so similar.

He didn't even know her.

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now