💫 1.53

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The four of the situated themselves on the couches, eating a cheese and cracker platter Jenos mother so kindly prepared.

Anecdotes and laughter filled the room as they all conversed and sipped on their soft drinks.

Renjun had surprisingly fit in well with Jihyuns friends and she couldn't of been more ecstatic.

"So hyung, what is the moon like if it isn't made of cheese?" Jisung asked curiously, wanting answers to his many questions about the rock in space.

Renjun looked up in thought, "well, it's not as big as Earth," he said with a chuckle and looking at Jisung.

"Everything is quite dull, our grass is grey, trees are silver, we don't have much colour- we have more of shades," he began and all three of them listened intently.
"We don't have animals like cats and dogs, but our technology is out of this world. All the stuff you have now, we had two generations ago."

"Wow, so what is the newest technology now?!" Jisung asked, eyes wide as he leant forward.

Renjun hummed in thought, "I guess the fortendo switch 84." The look of pure confusion fell upon the three as they stared at the boy.

"Like the Nintendo switch?" Jeno asked and Renjun nodded his head.

"Waw, I haven't heard of that for a long time. That's so retro damn," he said thinking about the time his father gave him his old Nintendo switch when he was a child.

"Okay but the fact you call that retro, damn..." Jihyun said in shock and Renjun could only laugh.

"You guys would be shocked if you can go the moon then."

Jisung looked down at his hands, eyes still wide as he tried to imagine what life on the planet looked like.

"Can I travel back with you hyung?" He asked and Renjun laughed.

"I wish, but no. Although, I have a friend that I feel like could become best friend with you," Renjun mentioned and Jisung shot up straight.


Renjun nodded his head, "his name is Chenle, he's the one who actually owns the fortendo switch 84, and he has the power to shape shift. He's annoying, but kinda cute."

Jisungs mouth hung opened as he listened to the boy, "I want to go there so badly."

"I wish I could introduce you to everyone. The other two are our age," he said to Jeno and Jihyun.

"Haechan and... what's his name?" She said, trying to remember the two boys Renjun has mentioned before.

"Jaemin- Haechan and Jaemin. Haechans power is invisibility which goes so well with his character because he's a shit head and a teaser, but he's also my best friend," he said rolling his eyes thinking about the boy.
"And then Jaemin, a hopeless romantic. His power is flight and he's so energetic and weird, but we love him."

"They sound like great guys," Jeno said and Renjun nodded his head.

"They really are. Something else about the moon that I would love to show you is what the Earth looks like.  It's huge, and it's crazy at how you can see the lights from cities at night. It's so pretty, you can see it the best from my hill."

The three of them listen closely as the boy reminisced on his life on the moon. Explaining all the simple things and laughing about jokes and stories he had with his friends.

Touching on his childhood and trying to give the best description to the others, answering all their questions they had as Renjuns life seemed so completely different from theirs.

Jisung had a hundred and one questions for the boy, asking him every little thing that popped into his head- and Renjun was happy to answer all of them. Finding the younger boys company fun and calming.

While the two conversed, Jeno sent Jihyun a look, telling her to look at her phone, so she did.

Mafia Boss is texting Drug Lord

Mafia Boss
So when shall we build it??

Drug Lord
We just have to wait for the right moment

Do you have everything ready?

Mafia Boss
It's in the closet 😄

Drug Lord
Thank you once again Jeno, you really didn't have to do all of this for him

Mafia Boss
I would believe you would do the same for me

Drug Lord
You really are the bestest friend. I can't wait to meet your soulmate. She got very lucky xx

Mafia Boss
I can't wait to meet them too

Drug Lord
Okay wait it's happening!

Both Jeno and Jihyun looked up from their phones as Renjun asked a question.

"Jeno, May I asked where the toilet is?"

"Of course! Here let me show you," he said with an oddly optimistic tone- but Renjun was thankful as he began to direct him upstairs.

Before Jeno disappeared from view he sent Jihyun the look and mouth "go go."

Thank gosh Renjun didn't see.

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now