💫 1.57

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Renjun wiped away the tear that cascaded down the hot skin of Jihyuns cheek, smiling at her softly as she looked up to him with sad eyes.

"What's going to happen tomorrow?" She asked, voice a harsh whisper, voice quivering as she dares to think about what will happen.

"Nothing is going to happen sunshine," he spoke calmly, thumb brushing against the high of her cheek as she looked up to him with sad eyes.

"But how can you be certain, what if something happens? All these protests, Renjun I don't want you to go, I only just got you," her voice cracked as she tried to hold back all her emotions but her mind would get the best of her.

Thinking about the worst possible outcomes that could come to her mind. Fear brewing and bubbling inside her body as she looks into the eyes of her soulmate.

His warm hand felt cold as she imagine them becoming distant, their lives going on and they forget each other as they are distant. Separated by thousands of kilometres of nothingness.

Two rocks floating and circling a black bottomless pit of nothingness, pulled together by the sun but detached from each reality.

"You're Just going to have to trust me. Nothing is going to happen- I'm just going to go back to the moon for awhile, but I will still always be with you."

Renjuns smile was warm, inviting, a total contrast for her whirling mind.

He could see the distress in her eyes, her aura dulling in his hands as another tear fell down her cheek.

"Common Sunshine, Let's get some sleep. We have to be up in a few hours," he said standing up and holding his hand out for her to grab.

She carefully places her hand in his and he helps guide her up, but instead of letting go he pulls her into an embrace.

His body heat warming up her cold, smaller figure as her head laid on his shoulder.

"Everything will be okay Sunshine," he spoke into her hair. His hand running up and down her back soothingly to calm her.
"I promise."

Jihyuns face screwed up as she held him close. How could it only be 24 hours? How could she only have 24 hours to spend with him, she needed him and in a couple of hours she'd have to say goodbye again.

She knew that it wasn't forever, but there was something that grew in the pit of her stomach that made her want to cry to the moon.

Curse the planet for being so far away, to say words of blasphemy as she weeps on her knees at the unfortunate truth that her and her soulmate would be separated in a few short hours.

Her hands gripped at the material of his hoodie, scrunching the in her fists as she brought him closer to her- not wanting to let go.

"Hey, Jihyun," he said lowly, "look at me."

His words prompted her to look up, his eyes low but held a thousand stars.

"Yeah?" Her eyes flicked between his two, watching as his fell to her lips before back to her eyes.

A smile played at his lips, "I will never, ever leave you," he said and Jihyuns eyes too began to flick to his lips.
"I will forever be yours."

Renjun let out a shaky breath as the nervousness in his stomach sky rocketed. "Can I kiss you?"

Jihyun smiled, nodding her head as an answer to Renjuns question. "Yes," she said, blush rising on her cheeks as his hands came up to cup them.

Renjun leant in first, their eyes fluttering shut as nerves peaked in both of them.

This being both of their first kiss, they didn't want to mess it up.

Renjuns soft lips connected with Jihyuns and at first it felt odd. But a thousand sparks lit inside of her as she melted into his incredibly plump, soft lips.

A flurry of emotions spreading through the two and warming each other up driven from the soulmate connection.

They both just stood there, lips on lips not really knowing what to do. It was awkward, but whose first kiss isn't.

A smile and laugh fell from Jihyuns lips and Renjun pulled away, a smile now on his lips too as he looks down at her.

"I don't think we're doing this right," she said with a small giggle and Renjun shook his head slightly.

"No, I think you're right. Let's try this again," he said pulling her face closer to his as their lips connected once more.

Jihyun brought her hands up to the back of his neck, hands weaving through his soft black hair and it wasn't until Jihyun tilted her head slightly where their lips moulded together more.

It was slow, their jaws widening slightly as they go back into the kiss, finally fully initiating what they deemed the most magical moment.

The same sensations of when they made that first connection came flooding back into their blood streams and it felt as if a thousands fireworks were going off.

Stars flooding their visions as they were in a state pure ecstasy. Dopamine and serotonin filling their bodies to the brim as they held each other close.

Breaths becoming heavier as they finally let go of each other, foreheads resting on one another as they panted for air.

"That was amazing," Jihyun finally spoke out and Renjun let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, that was," they both looked at each other and smiled.

"I promise I won't leave," he said once more and Jihyun smile widened even more.

Jihyun leant forward quickly and pressed a quick peck to his lips.
"I think it's time we go inside," she said grabbing hold of his wrist gently and leading him inside.

Jeno and Jisung were still completely knocked out on the lounge room floor, soft snores coming from them as the two made their way over to one of the mattresses.

Jihyun cuddled up into Renjuns open arms, head laying on his chest as she draped one of her legs over his- tangling each other up.

"Good night sunshine," Renjun spoke first, adjusting himself so his head was now resting on top of hers.

"Night junnie," she said, voice sounding tired as she snuggled into him further.

Renjun had his eyes closed, mind going over the kiss Over and over again, reliving the experience once more. But before he could fall asleep into a deep slumber, Jihgun whispered to him.

"I can't sleep," she said a little sheepishly and Renjun nodded his head.

A hand coming up to brush away the stray hairs laying on her face and gently rubbing up and down her back soothingly.

He clears his voice as he thinks of what to sing, but the most perfect song comes into mind when he thinks of Jihyun- his little sunshine.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away-"

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