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(How is he so beautiful)

Date: April 20th

After calming down enough to steady his breathing, he looked towards Chenle.

"How long was I gone for?" Renjun asked, wondering how long he had spent under the imprisonment of his body.

"About a month." Chenle said, hoping that it didn't shock the boy, a low "oh" escaping his lips.

"That doesn't matter anymore Renjun, we are just glad you are back." Chenle said, trying to comfort his elder.

The two whipping their heads around as they heard the sudden sound of Jaemins voice, "Injunie!"

Jaemin was running towards the boy, arms spread open as he dived at his figure, wrapping his arms around him tightly and snuggling into his stiff body.

Renjun relaxing and hugging back, arms wrapping around Jaemin and rubbing his back, "I miss you Jun."

"I missed you too." Renjun looked up, watching as Haechan made his way up the hill, hands in his pockets as a figure walked a few steps behind him.

"Who is that?" Renjun asked, eye brows furrowed as he detached himself from Jaemin, the rest now looking at the two who stood a few feet away.

"This is Taeil, he was the one who stole your letter." Haechan said, getting straight to the point so they could hurry up and rejoice in having their friend back.

"Hi." Taeil said shyly, holding up his hand in a little wave.

Renjuns eyes narrowed, standing up and making his way towards the stranger.

Fist clenched as he was getting ready to punch the thief, only to be stopped by Haechan placing his hands on his shoulders, stepping in between him and Renjuns target.

"Step aside Hyuck."

"I can't do that Jun, he apologised. He was the one who turned my sister into a nobody." Haechan said, eyes softening at the mention of his sister.

Renjun sighed, fist loosening as he looked from the thief to Haechan. "He was trying to find a cure for when people did become nobodies."

"And yet he's converted more than he's healed. Funny, right." Renjun spat at the thief, only for him to look down.

"Look Renjun, I am so incredibly sorry. I was just so caught up in finding the cure, I was blinded by the fact that I was hurting others."

Renjun stayed quiet, a silence washing over the group as Haechan dropped his hands from his shoulders.

"Hey, at least we got you back! Operation Ant was a success!" Chenle exclaimed, hand in the air in a fist of victory.

Waiting a few seconds before reading the atmosphere, clearing his throat and rubbing his nape nervously, "not the time?"

"No, but thank you for cheering me up." Renjun gave a weak smile at the younger boy, who returned an even brighter one.

"Now that we have semi cleared this up, we should leave you alone. I think it's long over due." Jaemin said, walking up to the boy- Renjun looking at him confused.

"Long over due for what?"

"To read your letter silly."

"Oh, right." He said, forgetting about the letter in his hand.
"We'll see you later Jun."

"I'm once again, so sorry." Taeil said as he began walking down the hill, following the others quite quickly.

"Bye!" Chenle jumped up and down before he was out of sight.

And then there he was, alone.

Looking down at the battered letter in his hands, fingers out lining the cursive writing he had saw briefly before it was stolen a month ago.

Taking in a deep breath, Renjun made his way to the base of the tree, sitting against it before opening the letter.

A small star sticker was the only thing holding it shut, and he couldn't help but smile at the simple decoration.

Pulling out the paper- one that had obviously been through a lot- he opened it, tears pricking at his eyes but not out of sadness, out of happiness.

The first word ringing through his head, one word, so simple yet it was the beginning of his future.

One he would share with his soul mate.

He couldn't understand how such a simple word could bring him so much happiness, chuckling gleefully as he re-read the one word over and over again.


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