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Her words: simple, yet it felt as if he had known her forever. They were and always have been destined for each other even before the birth of the old stars.

Something no one could rip from them, a fate so strong that not even death do them part.

It had been a long four weeks, a months worth of pain and waiting all for the moment when he read the first words of their forever.

He couldn't help but smile at how she would apologise for everything, saying that her dad was also from the moon, but the one thing that hurt him was the fact that she had the depleted feeling of doubt.

Why would she ever have doubts about her soulmate?

Regardless, the connection had been made, and their happily ever after was only now beginning.

Renjun had remembered that you could communicate with your partner through your mind, something he learnt about in class- if only he had paid more attention.

"Okay Renjun, you just gotta think." He said to himself, once against situated on top of the hill, feeling as if this was their beacon, the place where it had all started.

Preparing himself, he shifted on his feet to keep him grounded and taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

There was no answer. Squinting open his eyes slightly, taking another breath as he once again prepared himself.


Jihyun was at school- as it was the middle of the day- sat in one of the most boring classes known to man kind... Math.

She had her head resting in her propped up palm, her free hand gripping onto the pen lightly as she absentmindedly drew her favourite cartoon character: moomin.

Not focusing on the lesson being taught, her eyes start to become heavy. The warmth of the classroom making her drowsy as it came hand in hand with her lack of sleep.

Not generally because of studying, but because she preferred the night time more and would often have most of her energy at 12am. One time she had even moved her whole room around just because she wanted to.

"Jihyun-" a faint voice could be heard as the girl was starting to doze off, eyes glazed over in fatigue as they were struggling to stay open.

"Jihyun!" The voice became louder, making Jihyun bolt up straight, eyes wide as she dared not to shut them, scared that she'd actually fall asleep.

"Are you with us Jihyun?" The teacher asked, looking at the girl dissatisfied as he brought the whole classes attention to her.

Nodding her head quite fast, she manages to spew out a "yes sir, I am sorry sir. I am listening."

The teacher looked at her, trying to decide if he should just let it go, which ultimately he did and turning around to begin the lesson again.

Her tiredness once again hitting her like a brick, eyes becoming heavy as she zoned out.

Only this time, it wasn't the teacher waking her up, but the sweet honey like voice that filled her head.

A buzz swept through her body as the words echoed through her mind, her hand went up hasty, causing the teacher to stop his letter and gesture to the girl, granting her permission to speak.

"Can I please go to the bathroom." She said urgently and as soon as the teacher booked his head, Jihyun had already made it out of the door.

Walking down the hallways confused but happy. Mind repeating the voice as if it was about to forget it forever. Savouring the moment while it was there.


Was this the moment? The moment she had waiting her whole life for?

Hesitantly, she takes a deep breath, calming herself down before responding.


Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now