💫 2.4

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"In the year of 1937, the institute of galactic affairs suffered from a terrible explosion. An unexplainable event happened where something from within the building blew up, luckily it was early in the morning and no one got hurt, but the building went up into flames," the teacher explained, showing pictures on the board of the building in black and white and in flames.

"What was the institute for?" A voice asked and the teacher nodded his head.

"That's a great question. The institute of galactic affairs researched ways to talk to extra terrestrial creatures from out of space. Developing blueprints and machines to help execute their ideas."

Renjun listened in to every word the teacher had to say, writing down every little thing he could.

He went through the photos that laid upon his text book pages, his heart heavy for some unbeknownst reason.

The sound of the bell brought his attention up as students rushed to get out of class.

He swear he had only checked the time a minute ago, how was it already lunch.

"Don't forget you have a pop quiz tomorrow, and the readings are due on Thursday!" The teacher yelled out as Renjun began to pack his stuff away too.

Frantically wanting to exit the class room as soon as possible.

As he exited the classroom he took a sharp turn, colliding with a body.

The books in his hands fall to the ground, eyes widening as he quickly reaches forward.

Hands snacking around the back of the figure and supporting them by the waist.

The force of him reaching behind their body lead to them being pulled back up and crashing into his chest.

The two stood their, breaths rapid as time seemed to slow down.

Renjuns gaze ventured down, capturing the sight of the unnamed girl who always seems to capture his eye.

Her eyes squeezed shut as she grasps ontop he fabric of his tee-shirt.

She slowly opens her eyes once deeming it safe and she slowly looks up.

Eyes meeting those of the ones who saved her.

Renjuns heart started to beat expeditiously fast as the reality of the situation comes crashing down on him.

"O-oh I-I'm so sorry," he stutters out, pulling away from the girl and a hand coming up to rub at the nap of his neck.

"The girl shakes her head, "don't apologise, you saved me. I should be thanking you," she said sweetly, the corners of her lips pulling up into a smile.
"Thank you."

Renjuns heart thumped against his rib cage, threatening to break out as sparks flew around his body.

He watched as she looked from him to the floor before bending down and picking up the books.

"I think these are yours," she said with her smile, hands holding out his books for him- but his gaze was only on her.

She looked up to him, cleaning her throat before shifting on her feet and pushing the books into his hands.

Her eyes flickering around, barely landing on him for a second as she starts to feel uncomfortable from his stare and lack of words.

"Well, I guess I'll see you next class. Thanks again for saving me," she said awkwardly, adjusting her bag on her shoulder before walking around him.

She was about a foot away from him when he quickly turned around, hand grasping onto her wrist- stopping her in a jolt.

She turns around to look at him, eye brows furrowed, watching as his Adam apples bobs up and down.

"D-do I know you?"

Astrophilia 💫 Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now