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When Jimin wakes up, he feels emotionally drained. He checks his phone and sees a new voicemail.

New voicemail

Manliest Man (7:45AM):

"Um... Hey Jimin... You still aren't answering any of my calls or texts but it's early so I'm just hoping that you'll talk to me when you wake up... Anyways, I've said it a million times but I'm really sorry for snapping at you last night and assuming the worst. I really do trust you  and I honestly don't know what got into me. I need to go because I have a game in a few minutes, but I love you. I love you more than anything and I'm sorry for treating you like shit last night. Please forgive me. The boys are yelling at me so I have to go. Bye."

end of voicemail.


Jimin tears up and checks the clock. It's past 11 so Jungkook's game is definitely done.

He calls him.


Jungkook is having lunch with his team after their game. Hoseok nudges him. "Eat. You've been staring at your food for 15 minutes."

"I'm... not really hungry..."

"Why not? You just worked your ass off during that game. You have to be hungry."

"I had a fight with Jimin last night and he isn't responding to any of my calls or texts..."

"He will eventually. What was the fight about?"

"... I don't want to talk ab–" His phone starts buzzing and he fumbles to get it out of his pocket. He stands up and walks out of the restaurant.

Incoming call from LOML...
Accept | Decline

"Hello? Jimin?"

"Hi... I just heard your voicemail."

"I'm sorry. I do trust you and I'm really happy that you're becoming friends with the new kid. I just... got jealous."

"You don't need to be sorry."

"I made you cry. I was such a dick. I hope you're not mad at me..."

"I'm not... I just needed to have a night to think things over. I'm sorry if I made you worried in any way because of the whole recent suicide attempt thing..."

"I was a bit worried but I assumed you just needed some time. I'm just relieved that you aren't mad at me. I barely got any sleep last night."

"I'm sorry. I should've called you back."

"You definitely don't need to be sorry. I couldn't sleep because I was mad at myself. You did absolutely nothing wrong."

"What are you doing right now?"

"I'm out having lunch with my team."

"Oh. I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll call you back later."

call ended.



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