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Jungkook and Jimin call each of their friends individually to tell them what happened. Hoseok is the last one they call.

Calling Hoseok...

"Hey Kook! What's up?"

"Jimin doesn't want me to go into detail, but his econ teacher raped him. The teacher is in custody."

"... I honestly have no idea what to say..."

"We just wanted you to know. You can tell Seulgi but no one else. Make sure she doesn't tell anyone either."

"Of course. I... I hope he's doing okay."

Jimin grabs the phone. "Hey Hobi."

"Hey. How are you? Sorry, that was a stupid question... Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah. I'm not having a breakdown at the moment so I guess that's a good sign."

"I hope you feel better. I have no idea how hard this must be for you, but you're strong so I know you'll get through it."

Jimin smiles softly. "Thanks Hobi... My mom is gonna call us downstairs for dinner any minute, so is it okay if we go?"

"Yeah. Of course. Call me if you need anything."


call ended.


Jimin hands Jungkook his phone back. "Hoseok is a good friend..."

"He's always been the reliance one in our group. He's really good at giving advice and comforting people. He knows a lot of my secrets and he never shared them."

"Does everyone in our friend group rely on him?"

"He's always the first one we go to when we need help."

"Do you think he feels burdened at all?"

"He didn't have anyone to talk to about his own problems until he started dating Seulgi. She really helps him. They're good for each other."



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