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They stay the night at Jimin's house that night. Jimin's mom wanted him to be nearby so she knew he was safe and Jungkook completely understood.

Right now, Kook and Jimin are sitting on the bed in Jimin's room talking. Jimin took a bath a few minutes before and Jungkook sat next to the bathtub the whole time.

Jimin grabs Jungkook's hand and holds it tightly. "Thank you for reporting him... I was too scared to do it myself."

Jungkook kisses Jimin's hand. "I'll do anything to keep my baby safe. Now he can't hurt you anymore."

Jimin starts crying and Kook wipes the tears away. He's been emotionally unstable since the incident and he probably will be for a few days.

"I was so scared. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him, a-and-"

Jungkook pulls him into a hug. "You're okay now. It's over. He's gone."

Jimin nods. "It's still traumatizing. I tried to fight back but he was so strong."

"If he ever tries to touch you again, I'll beat his ass. You're safe with me. This fall, we're going all the way across the country."

Jimin wipes his tears away and nods. "I'm gonna miss my parents, but it'll be good to escape. I'm so glad I have you to lean on."

Kook gives him a kiss. "I'm here for you. So are your parents and Tae. Do you want any of our friends to know?"

"I guess... I just don't want them to tell anyone else. I want it to be a secret in our group. Also, make sure Yoongi doesn't tell Sooyoung. I feel like she has something against me."



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