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Kailani's POV

Finally I arrived to the college. After a 10 whole hours I made it.

I got out my car and and went up to the front desk to get my key "good morning young lady" a woman smiled as I approached the desk

"Good morning, I'm here to get my dorm key" I smiled

She nodded "Name please"

"Kailani Gonzalez" I smiled "c45" she handed me the key

I took the elevator and a kind girl offered to help me with my things.

"Good luck you're going to need it" she smiled then walked away

I could hear music blasting from the other side of the door.

I unlocked the door and saw a tall boy with a towel wrapped around his torso and water dripping off his hair onto his abs.

"Yo what are you doing get out!" He yelled "hell no this is my dorm" I put my bags down

"You're Kailani?" He asked "yea" I said and he stared me up and down

I started to feel uncomfortable and insecure all of a sudden.

After a couple of minutes he went back to the bathroom.

I started to put my clothes away and fixed my side of the dorm a little.

"What's your name again?" He asked putting some chains on

"Kailani..yours?" I asked making eye contact

"Mattia Polibio" he smiled and I smiled at his smile

"I won't be back like around 1 a.m" he said then left.

I called the girls and they said they were heading over here first thing in the morning.

I thought I was going to share room with another girl but I guess not.

I just don't feel comfortable sharing a room with a guy.

But like he's hot sis, sooooo idk what's gonna happen.

The day went by pretty quick, I didn't do much except go around a little and FaceTime the girls most of the time.

I saw Mattia a couple of times but he was making out with some girls.

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower and changed into ⬇️

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower and changed into ⬇️

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