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Oh damn.

Mattia's POV

"That bitch lying we're at target" he said and Mateo smiled looking at him

"Which target?" She asked "the one in the westvalley mall" he said smiling "what isle?" She asked "bitch are you there?" Kairi asked

"Maybe...maybe not...the question is are you here?" She laughed through the phone

And I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Yes we're on the toy isle momma" Mateo giggled taking the phone out kairi's hand

"Oh really?" She said "yep" Mateo smiled looking up at me, I looked at him for a while and damn we made a cute ass fucking kid like he's the perfect mixture of both of us.

You can clearly tell he looks like me, how the fuck did I never realize he was my kid before lani told me?

Like he had my smile, Kailani's hazel eyes, her small nose, he just good looking.

"You're not here baby" i heard "really? How do you not see me?" He laughed "kairi where the fuck are you guys I'm not kidding" she said

"Where are you?" He asked "kairi you know where I am" I said

"Why are you at the mall huh?" He said and I finished cooking making no noise at all

"you know why and stop asking questions"

"Then why are you asking questions?" Kairi farrowed his eyebrows, "hmm maybe because my child is with you" she said "momma I'm fine you don't need to worry" Mateo said

"Oh baby I'm not worried, I'm just mad at your uncle for taking you somewhere he shouldn't have" she said

Why she so pissed off about it? I mean yea I'm marrying Luna but he's still my kid, shouldn't she be happy I'm spending time with him?

"Lani it's fine" kairi said

"Take me off speaker" she said and he did as told

There was a lot of mumbling coming from his phone but I could make out what she was saying.

"I know" he looked down and the smile he had on his face faded away

"We'll head back in thirty" he said "see ya" he said then hung up

"What did she say?" Mateo asked "nothing" he said putting his phone away then looked at me, "you have thirty minutes with him after that we're leaving" he said

"Why? He's my kid yo-"

"I wouldn't be wasting those thirty minutes, ima leave then come pick him up okay?" He said

I nodded and he left leaving Mateo and me alone in the house

"What you making?" Mateo asked trying to get off the counter "spaghetti" I said putting him down and he followed me to the stove

"Mmm spaghetti is my favorite" he smiled getting on his tippy toes "is it almost ready?" He asked "yes wanna go watch a movie while it cools down a bit?" I asked

I feel weird. And I don't wanna make things awkward.

"Yes" he said and I picked him up then walked to the living room, I sat him down in the couch and let him pick a movie.

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