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Kailani's POV

We got invited to the bonfire but I don't feel like going anymore.

"Come on it's going to be fun" Avani and Sophia try to convince me

"We could net new people, you can meet a new guy" Sophia said walking around the dorm

"Yea...no" I smiled "why not all the boys are like him, his in the past babe" Avani said

Mattia's POV

"You need to give other guys a chance" I heard a voice as I tried to open the door.

"That shit ain't easy" I heard Kailani say

"It still hurts doesn't it?" A other voice said "yes and it's something that ain't going away soon" she kinda shouted

"It's okay if you change your mind we'll meet you up over there" they said and I unlocked the door.

"Sorry" one of the girls bumped into me then they left

I took a quick glance at Kailani and saw her wipe her face.

"You going to the bonfire tonight?" I asked and she looked up from her phone

"No" she answered with a weak smile

"Is everything alright" I asked "yea" she smiled looking back at her phone.

Kailani's POV

I don't know if I want to go or not. I mean it is my first time going to one here and I have the chance to meet new people but idk

I had and abusive and toxic boyfriend. We broke up a couple days before I came here.

Everyone would tell me to end things with him I tried once but it got worse.

"What you thinking about?" Mattia smiled walking out the bathroom

"Nothing" I smiled

"You going to tell me about yourself now?" He laughed a little

His laugh his cute and his smile is just I can't with it, his eyes idk there's something about them that I like and let not talk about his jawline and his abs.

"What do you want to know" I smiled

"Are you a virgin?" He asked serious "no" I laughed

"Okay because you're in collage it would've been weird" he smiled

"Are you" I asked "hell no im not, the girls here are...damn where do I start" he said

It kinda hurt when he said that

We started to ask each other some more questions then he got ready for the bonfire "you sure you ain't coming it going to be fun" he said

"No I'm good" I smiled then he walked out my room

"Oh well if you want to go I'll text you the address just text me" he said towing me a small paper with his number on it.

~~~ 2 hours later ~~~

I decided to get ready for the bonfire, only because I got hella bored in here doing nothing.

I looked through my clothes and found and outfit⬇️ she had tight ripped jeans and didn't wear the sweater.

I looked through my clothes and found and outfit⬇️ she had tight ripped jeans and didn't wear the sweater

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I don't really know how to dress for for a bonfire but I wanted to be comfortable.

I have a feeling that there is going to be some half naked girls there and idk how I feel about it.

I texted Mattia and asked him to send me the location. I thought it would take sometime for him to respond but he answered quickly

I got close to the location I would say I was like 2 minutes away when I got a call

"Hey I'm coming to the bonfire" I answered Avani's call "I-I don't think you should come" she says

"Too bad I'm already here turn around" I smiled and hung up

"Oh shit" she jumped smiling "why didn't you want me to come like you guys were begging me to earlier" I smiled looking around and my eyes landed on someone I didn't want to see every again

"Why is he here?" I breathing started to go uneven

"He was transferred here" Sophia said handing me a cup of.

Both of us made eye contact.

I don't want to see him again after everything he put me through.

I turned around and made eye contact with Mattia

I turned another direction and heard someone call my name but I ignored whoever it was

"Lani please" Quinton grabbed my arm "no leave me alone" I tried to pull my arm away

"Listen to me" his grip tightens around my arm

"There's nothing for me to listen get the fuck away from me" I slapped him

"Why your always going to come back to me after everything so I might as well stay" his face inches away from mine

"Stop let go of me" I moved around but I just made it worse

Our faces were now centimeters apart "you'll never get rid of me no matter what" he licked his lips

My eyes were watery at this point because of how tight his grip was

Mattia's POV

I saw Kailani and her friends talking when she got here.

She looked good, she wasn't half naked as most of the girls here. It turned me on seeing her like that for some reason I mean she's hot and shit.

The hell you doing this ain't you?

My subconscious says, but it's rig I'm not like this

Are these symptoms of simping?

It looked as if something was wrong, she turned around and we made eye contact.

Then she turned another direction and walked away very fast, well at least I considered that being fast

A couple second later a guy followed her

"Mattia you good?" Roshaun asked

"No I'll be right back" I said and walked away to find her.


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