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Kailani's POV

I woke up early so I could help my mom out with morning breakfast.

I hoped in the shower then changed into

I let my hair down to dry by itself as I help out and eat

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I let my hair down to dry by itself as I help out and eat.

"Morning" Kairi walked out his room "morning" I smiled as he hugged me

"You better stop before any of them see us" I giggled "fine" he kissed my cheek and went back to his room.

"Quinton?" I said confused as I saw him and his mom helping my mom out "you look amazing darling" his mom smiled and gave me a hug

"Thank you, you look beautiful" I said back "what brings you here?" I asked Quinton

"Your mom invited us for breakfast and dinner" he smiled "you live around here?" I asked eating a cookie

"Like 30 minutes away" he said "rise and shine people" David said walking in the house "it's really cold outside I don't recommend going" he laughed

Then avani joined us in the kitchen "damn bitch" she smiled looking me up and down "ugh stop" I laughed acting flattered

"Mija puedes ir a la tienda?" ( sweetie can you go to the store?) my mom asked "si" (yes) I smiled as she handed me a small list with things I had to get

"Wanna go with me?" I asked Avani "I need to get ready" she said "you'll get ready when we come back" I said "no" he went back upstairs to the room

"You wanna go?" I asked Quinton "sure I'm pretty bored not gonna lie" he smiled and we made our way to my car.

"How's your love life been" he asked out if no where "complicated..yours?" I smiled "eh...I don't know there just isn't anyone you know" he said "hmm" I smiled

We arrived at target "what do they need?" He asked getting a kart

"Alcohol" I smiled "really let me see the list" he said then took it from my hand.

"That's the first thing on there" I smiled and he laughed "true" he said as we started to walk to the alcohol aisle.

After we got most of the things we walked around the store so we could just get some random shit

"What the hell oh wait these are actually soft" I said after he pushed me into these blankets that were on sale "look" I threw one at him "they are" he smiled putting his hand out for me.

"Thank you" I smiled and we went to pay "bitch my mom gave me money let me pay" I said trying to pay "no I'll pay" he said holding my back

"That a lot of things though" I said looking at everything "and? There a lot of people waiting in line" he said "exactly so let me pay" I smiled and we locked eye contact.

I'm not going to lie and say I didn't feel anything, but I felt something "here" I gave the lady the right amount

"Keep the change for you" I smiled as I grabbed the bags

"I thinks that the first time I won a guy to pay first" I smiled "that's such an achievement" he rolled his eyes.

"Let me feel proud of myself for once okay" I said as I started to drive home

"Finally what took you guys so long?" My mother asked

"Traffic was a pain in the ass and so were the lines to pay" I smiled and she rolled her eyes playfully

"Bestie!" I yelled and went over to hug Alejandro

"My baby daddy" Katie smiled then gave me a hug "hey baby momma" I smiled then said hi to the rest except Sophia and Mattia

"It's weird how we are all here" roshaun said then we all started talking.

~~~~like around 10:45 pm~~~~

"can any of you go to the store and buy things for s'mores" Avani said pretty drunk "yesssssss" everyone said.

I was a little tipsy but still stable "anyone coming?" I heard whoever was gonna drive ask, no one said anything so I decided to go

After I got in the car I saw it was just me and Mattia.

"Why did you tell my you were driving and the only one I was going with?" I said leaving my head on the window.

"You came I asked and you offered so yea" he said

Half way to the store I started to see little white things land on the window

"Wait!" I shouted "Jesus what?" He said "haha I scared you" I smiled and once he looked at me a smile appeared on his face as well.

"It's starting to snow" I looked out and the roads were starting to get covered in snow.

~~~~ after buying the stuff~~~~

We got back to my house and I made a snowball as I walked behind Mattia.

Then I threw it right on his head "oh you did not" he said putting the bags on the ground "stop it's cold" I smiled backing up

"You should've thought about that earlier" he smiled picking snow up and making it into a ball

I grabbed some and as I looked up it hit my stomach, I threw the one I had in my hand at him up he dodged it.

We started running around and at one point we fell

"I think it's cold" he smiled "no shit" I laughed pushing him off me, I tired to get back up but slid he stood up in front of me "please" I said reaching my hands out

"Nah I'm good" he smiled turning around "please my ass is getting really cold" I laughed and so did he

He turned around and came back to help my up

"Why did you guys take so long?" Kairi asked "we've been here" I smiled looking at Mattia

"Oh I see" Ale laughed "it's snowing?" Katie smiled and both Mattia and I nodded.

The rest of the night was chill everyone went back to there homes.

Hey guys I hope this chapter isn't that bad and you guys are enjoying the book❤️

I'll try to post another chapter later tonight✨🥰

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