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So I decided to make my other book about Nj boys, but I still need help deciding who's gonna be the main guy the story will be of


Couple minutes later

Kailani's POV

"Wanna go for a walk?" Quinton asked

"I'm down, wait is it just gonna be you and me?" I asked "if you want" he said "yea" I said then grabbed his hand

We walked to this hill and it had a pretty view of the college, "do you ever want to go back in time and fix things" he said "all the time" I smiled

"If you were to go back to a certain day when would it be?" He asked "the day I met my roommate" I answered

"Why?" He laughed "because I had the chance to switch but didn't now look I beat up his girlfriend and I'm lowkey regretting it" I smiled

"Oh" he said looking up at the sky "what day you you go back to and fix things?" I asked him

"The day I started hurting you" he said looking down "you never hurt me, you helped me grow" I said and he laughed

"I don't mean height wise stupid" I laughed with him

"God I love your laugh" he said "thank you" I smiled, then we looked at each other locking eye contact.

Mattia's POV

I walked Jenna back to her dorm and decided to talk a walk by myself.

I made it to this hill and I could see the beach and the college from here.

I started to remember the first day I met her, she walked into the room and I yelled at her to get out, then she yelled back at me telling me it was her dorm.

That turned me on for some reason, her smile and laugh are contagious, everyone talks about her making me regret getting back with Jenna.

They all like her but not Jenna, they say she's toxic and controlling, but I don't see that.

I looked down at the other hills and saw Kailani and Quinton by one, she was smiling and it looked like she was laughing.

I wanted to turn back but something told me to watch. In which I regretted because soon they kissed

I was mad. Really mad but it was my fault I had her and when I say had her I mean HAD her

Kailani's POV

"Goodnight Quinton" I said as we walked to my dorm "see you tomorrow alright" he smiled "alright" I smiled and hugged him

I walked into the dorm and Mattia wasn't here, I mean he wasn't here the past 4 days.

I grabbed my pj and changed

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