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I didn't proofread so sorry
for any errors🙃💕


Kailani's POV

I got to the hospital and ran inside, "David what happened?"

"We we're talking in the kitchen then she started to caugh blood, and after a couple seconds she fell to the ground" he said some what worried

"Go sit down, I'll be right back" I said patting his back then he went and sat down.

I walked over to those vending machines and bought a water bottle for him and me.

As I walked back with the waters in my hand I got a text.

Mattia: hey is everything okay
Lani: yea, well I don't really know yet
Mattia: who's at the hospital with you?
Lani: just David but Alejandro is on his way right now
Mattia: okay then.
Lani: shouldn't you be asleep?
Mattia: I can't sleep
Lani: I have to go bye Mattia
Mattia: bye Lani

I put my phone away and a couple minutes after Alejandro arrived, "hey is she okay?" He hugged me

"They haven't said anything yet" I looked at him "she's going to be okay" he kissed my head hugging me tighter.

"For Maria Gonzalez" a doctor said holding a clipboard, "that's us ma'am" David stood up and all three of us walked to her.

"And you guys are?" She asked "I'm her daughter, and he's my stepdad" I said "and he is?" She looked at Alejandro

"I'm her best friend" he said "okay well I'm going to have to talk to you ma'am" she said "um okay" I said then looked back at David and Alejandro "go ahead sweetie" David nodded and I walked away with the doctor.

"Ma'am your mom is at risk of losing her life" she said and my eyes widened

"What" i said on the verge of tears, I know she did not just say that, I can't lose my mom. No

She explained everything to me very well, "you'll have to be very careful with her" she said as I stood up from the chair

"Yes absolutely, how much will the treatment be?" I asked

"You will receive a booklet probably tomorrow and it has plans, you can choose which ever one fits you" she said "okay thank you" I wiped my tears.

She handed me a copy of the paper that had everything that she told me on it and I walked out, "of you have any concerns or anything just let me now my contact information is at the bottom of the paper" she rubbed my arm

"Yea thank you" I smiled at her

She went her way and I walked over to David and Alejandro who were quick to stand up once they saw me.

"What did she say?" David said and I handed him the paper

"Don't cry beautiful" Alejandro help me as I broke down, "oh my" I heard David say

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