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Couple Weeks Later

Kailani's POV

I my heart was racing as I had a smile on my face, and when I flipped the tests over I can't even explain the happiness I felt.

I started to cry as a smile formed on my face.

"Babe were home!" I heard Mattia yelled and I quickly hid the pregnancy tests and wiped my eyes.

"Finally" I walked downstairs and picked Mateo up kissing his cheek then Mattia kissed me, "were you crying?" He asked "I choked on a grape not that long ago" I smiled and he let out a small chuckle

"Momma are we going to Layla's birthday party?" Mateo asked "of course baby" I smiled and set him on the counter

I look at Mattia who already had his eyes on me.

"What?" I said and he smiled shaking his head "nothing" he pulled me into a hug.

He let go after a while and Mateo wanted him to put a movie on, while they did that I took out the things to make lunch.

"Babe" he whispered hugging me laying his head on the crook of my neck, "hm" I stayed concentrated on cutting the vegetables

"It's been a couple weeks you know" he said "and?" I smiled knowing what he was talking about "have you um been having any um you know..." he said rubbing in my stomach

"No I haven't." I said and he let go then walked to get some water with a sad look on his face.

"Derek wants us boys to go out with the little kids you know kinda like a fathers and son's type of thing" he said with a small smile

"And are you going to go?" I asked starting to cook "Mateo doesn't want to go neither do I" he chuckled and started to help me

"Well I say you should go" I smiled "the girls and I were planing to go out" I smiled "your taking sophias girl and Aliz's pregnant self out?" He said Looking at me in shock

"Not out like that, you know just go to the mall" I laughed a little.

"Oh okay" he laughed

"Momma I want a puppy" Mateo walked up to us.

"How about we go later when dadda leave for work?" I smiled and he smiled "wow going without me?" Mattia chuckled after Mateo ran back to the living room.

"You wanted to go?" I asked with a smile "no" he said with a small laugh

"wait open your mouth" I said getting an egg "why?" He looked confused as he grabbed the plates "just do it...it's a trick I saw" I smiled walking up to him "no I know what your going" he started to back away

"Baby come help momma!" I laughed and I ran around the kitchen "but I'm watching a movie" I heard him

"Dadda is going to hurt me" I smirked looking back at Mattia "that not true teo don't believe momma she hit me" he said and I ran upstairs

"Get you ass back ov-" and I heard him fall

I burned out laughing as I peeked my head out the room.

"Mommaaaaaaaa the food!!" Mateo yelled " shit the food" my eyes widened and I ran downstairs to see it perfectly fine "thanks teo" Mattia picked me up

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