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Kailani's POV

"Ima go to the restroom I'll be right back" I said leaving jack alone and making my way to a bathroom

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" I said after I was pushed into a guy making him spill his own drink on himself

"It's fine don't worry about it" he smiled "kairi? I feel bad now" I looked down "it's okay what's your name but he way?" He smiled "Kailani" I smiled

"Cute name" he winked "I need to go see you around I guess" I said walking away and I could feel the alcohol starting to kick in.

I found a bathroom and luckily no one was in it. I did what I had to do also fixed myself up a little.

"What the fuck?!" I said opening the door to see Quinton standing there waiting

"Why haven't you been with me tonight?" He smiled "because I don't want to know fuck off" I pushed him

"Ouch" he said pulling me to him "let me go" I slapped him "do you like not fucking here or understand those words?" I raised my voice

"I want you though" he said "that's funny" I smiled walking away

"Lani please give me another chance" he said "I gave you plenty in the past and you always fucked them up so no thank you" I said turning away and making eye contact with Kairi for some odd reason and he pulled me into a room

"QUINTON STOP" I yelled and he pinned me to the wall giving me wet kissed

There were knocks on the door but it was locked, luckily I was close enough to unlock it

"Leave her alone you asshole" Kairi knocked his down to the floor with one punch

"Come on" he grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen

"Thank you" I smiled as he let go "no problem" he smiled getting himself a drink and I got me a whole bottle of tequila

"Why'd you do that?" I asked "because no girl like you should be treated like that" he smiled and my heart skipped a beat from his words

"Aww you're so sweet" I said chugging the bottle.

We hung out for a while and he seems like a kind and caring person he's really funny and his laugh is so cute it makes me smile.

I found avani and went to her "ew your drunk" she pushed me away from her "and you are too?" I laughed "but not as much" she helped me stay on both feet

She went to i don't remember where but came back with more drinks and Sophia came to us with some more as well.

"Lani I'm sorry for earileir" she handed me a beer "it's fine I don't care" I drank the bottle

•••• 2 hours later ••••

I was really drunk I couldn't find either Avani or Sophia anymore.

Jack was with some girls and I didn't want to bother him so I tried to go back to the dorms

Everything was burry and I started to get really dizzy.

Before I knew it I fell on the floor "here let me help you" I felt someone grab me "what who are you?" I said moving around "it's fine let me help you" he grabbed me by my hands

"How drunk are you?" He asked "is that Shrek?" I pointed

"That's a bush" whoever was helping me said

"Oh shit he's moving" I said getting scared and fell "it's fine" he picked me up bridal style

We made it to a dorm I'm guessing it was his because I left me key at Avani's I only had my phone with me.

"Fuck I'm tired and everything is dizzy" I said and heard him chuckle "what so funny biiitch" I said and he laid me in a bed

"You" he said and I sat up "here put this on if you want" he threw me a a really big hoodie well for me it was a big hoodie

"Can you um help me I-I don't know your name sorry?" I said losing my balance and falling to the ground


"Unzipping this for me" I said and felt him unzip my dress "what's your name again?" I asked "Kairi" he said walking away.

"Tell me when your done" he said from idk where

I slipped my dress off and put the hoodie on, it's was soft and smelt really good.

"Done" I sat in the bed and he came with a towel

Kairi's POV

I wet a towel and once she was done I went and sat next to her "look at me" I said and she looked the complete other way from where I was

"What" she smiled and I moved her face to where I can see it

"Why are you so nice to me? Like I don't fucking know you" she started to tear up and I cleaned her makeup off

" you do it's just that your drunk" I said "I'm drunk?" He said "yes you are and really drunk" I smiled and her eyes sparked

"Thank you" she said still crying "stop crying please" I wiped her tears off

"No guy has ever been this nice to me" she looked up at me "I would ask you why but it's late and you need to sleep" I smiled

"What about y-our room-mate" she hiccuped "he's not going I stay here tonight" I said as she layer down on Alejandro's bed

•••• 3:45 a.m ••••

I woke up to talking, "please stop" I heard Kailani say

I got out my bed to check on her "Kailani" I moved her around a bit and she woke up crying "I'm sorry" she cried "it's okay it was a bad dream" I held her close to me and let her cry everything out

She's not hungover yet which is fine that way she won't have to run to the bathroom right now

"Everything is going to be fine" I rubbed her back

When I looked at her, her eyes were closed and it looked as his she had fallen back asleep

I tried to lay her down "please don't leave" she whispered and I laid next to her.

I like having her with me, she's cute and funny when she's drunk and a very beautiful girl.

I don't like that fact that Mattia and her are roommates.

Only reason is because I know she's going to catch feelings for him and he won't be sure about his so he'll mess with her feeling because he isn't sure about his.

And that going to leave her heart broken, I know Mattia more than anyone here.

And the thing is he's scared of falling in love.


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