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Didn't proofread this sowwy🥺


"Well ale and Luna have been hooking up for a while now" he said and I choked on my drink

Kailani's POV

"Are fucking you serious?!" I saidlookjng at his as he handed me a napkin.

"Momma don't say that!" Mateo said "I'm not kidding he told me himself" he said

"Oh shit maybe that's why he hasn't been over at the house" I said continuing to drive, "no he hasn't gone over for another reason but that's one of them for sure" he said and I stayed quiet keeping my eyes on the road.

"Are you going to tel him?" Kairi asked "no" I said

"Why?!" Both him and Mateo asked

"He prefers Luna over Mateo and I" I said "and what makes you believe that?" Kairi said

"Kairi I don't believe, I know it because I heard him say it, and say it nice and clear" I said getting to our parents house

"Wait he really said that?" He said as we got out the car "yep" Mateo said

"Oh so you heard it too?" Kairi picked him up "yup" said looking at me.

"Bout time you get back" sophia smiled opening the door

"And you are here because?" Kairi asked "I'm taking Lani to find a dress" she answered "for?" I laughed walking in behind kairi and Mateo

"Tomorrow" she smiled and mine faded "oh come on your gonna go, and I said so" my mom spoke

"You guys are really funny" I said "I'm being deadass and I think your mom is too, so come on let go I'm buying the dress" she said and before I said anything Layla came out of nowhere

"Layla!" I smiled hugging her "bye Lani see you later" she said and I rolled my eyes

"No" I said and as I was walking away someone picked me up "put me down I'm not going anywhere" I said moving around

"Ah fuck" joey's aid after I elbowed him by accident

"Shit I'm sorry, really really sorry" I laughed

"It's fine, now go" he said and waited for me to get in sophias car.

"Let's go" she smiled and drove off.

"Sophia I-I don't want to go...please let's just go back" I looked out the window

"No, we're going to buy you your dress, and get your nails done along with other shit and tomorrow you are going to show up with everyone to Mattia's wedding, then you stand and tell him how much you still love him and infront of everyone you are goin to tell him about Mateo, and how he's choosing to marry her instead of being with you and his child" she said

"He knows about Mateo, he knows he's his kid, yet he told his mom that he preferred to marry Luna either way, so there's no point" I looked up trying to stop my tears from falling

"Then show him what he lost, your gonna show up looking like a baddass bitch and show no emotion, and we'll see his reaction" she said

"Reaction to what? He clearly doesn't want me no more" I said wiping my tear off, "if he didn't love her and still loved me like everyone keeps saying he would have canceled everything, no matter what, but he didn't" I said looking out the window

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