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Skip to Tuesday

Kailani's POV

I woke up to Avani jumping on me.

"Ah what the hell" I laughed as I fell to the floor "girl you need to get ready now" she basically shouted

"Why?" I groaned not wanting to get up "it's Tuesday" she said throwing my a pillow

"And?" I laughed trying to open my eyes "first off it's late and secondly you're meeting your stepbrother" she smiled

"Oh shit your right" I shot up from the ground "come on go get ready I'll go help you mom with breakfast" she said fixing my bed

I don't even know why we are making a big deal. Like it's just going to be my stepbrother. It's not like anything is going to happen. If you know what I mean.

I got in my bathroom and took a shower, as the warm water ran down my body I saw the glass walls tint to a darker color.

I turn the cold water on and the walls stayed tinted. I wasn't planning on wasting any time so I took my shower.

After I was done and stepped out the glass part of my shower because clear like before.

I changed into this

"Morning" I smiled walking into the kitchen and giving my mom a hug

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"Morning" I smiled walking into the kitchen and giving my mom a hug

She smiled and gave me a plate with breakfast "soooo" avani smiled "I'm kinda nervous" I admit

"Why?" She gave me a confused look

"So ale told me they all live around here" I said and her eyes went wide "you don't think one of them is.." she said

"I don't want to think that" I said "think what?" My mom said sitting down at the table "that criminal minds is about to end" Avani said "I know it's such a good show why would they end it?" My mother said

We continued to talk for a while then she went out to get some groceries.

She came back then avani had to go "mom calls sis" she said "please just tell her you'll be home in another hour" I begged "I'll FaceTime you later" she smiled leaving to her car

"Bitch!" I yelled laughing and she flipped me off then drove off

~~~~ Couple hours later ~~~~

I heard the doorbell rang and ran out my room "is it him?" I asked from upstairs looking at my mom, she nodded with a smile

And I started to panic a little.

"Come one in" she smiled opening the door for them, I hid as soon David walked in

"Mija can you come downstairs please" my mom said and I took a deep breath

"Hey David" I smiled "hey sorry he got a call from one of his friends" he smiled "that's fine" I smiled back and shook his hand

We made our way to the living room and once we took a seat the door opened "sorry" he said walking in.

I turned around to see Kairi.

"Don't worry hun" my mom said standing as I sat there in shock

"Oh hey yea sure I'll head over right now" I acted as if I were on the phone "what's wrong mija" she asked

"Avani called" I smiled at her and saw Kairi with a shocked look

"Wait you haven't even introduced yourself" she said and I grabbed my keys "he already knows me" I said and walked out the house

"Bitch where the fuck you at?" I put avani on speaker as I turned my car on "at McDonald's" she said "the one by Starbucks" I asked "yep" she answered

"Stay there I'll see you in a few" I said then hung up

"Bitch" I sat infront of her "what?" She said "have you met him yet?" She asked "yes...it's Kairi" I said "your fucking lying" she said dropping her fries

"No I'm being deadass" i said "that's gonna be weird" she looked down

"I know" I said remembering things "are you going to tell your mom?" She asked "tell her what" I took one of her fries

"That you two..you know..fucked" she said and I started to choke

"Hell n0 I ain't gonna tell her that" I said trying to breath

"Fuck she's calling" I said "answer stupid" she laughed "yes mama?" I answered "are you coming home soon" she asked

"Yea I'm about to head back" I said looking at avani shove two chicken nuggets in her mouth making me laugh "me and David are going out so we'll be back late" my mom said then I said goodbye and hung up

"I gotta go bye bitch" I smiled getting up "hey Anthony" I waved as he walked past me "bye lani" he smiled and went over to avani and I headed back home.

I opened the door and slowly made my way to my room.

I heard familiar voices coming from the room I had questions about. I guess that his room.

"Yo lets go" I heard Mattia's voice and I hurried to my room "come on kairi it's gonna be fun" Ale said or at least think it was him

I heard the guys leave and I walked downstairs to get some water.

The house was really quiet I could hear my heart beat

"Kailani" Kairi said scaring me also causing me to drop the empty glass cup

"Fuck" I whispered and went to get the broom "here let me help you" he said "no fuck off" I said taking the broom from his hand

"Look you can't get rid of me anymore" he said "what do you mean?" I rolled my eyes "we're going to be living in the same house" he said

"I can always ignore you" I said "but you won't be able too" he smirked "trust me I will" I threw the glass away


So this chapter was kinda wack but things are going to go down soon.

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