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Kailani's POV

"It's snowing!" Layla smiled running around "come here" Joey picked her up "that's tickles" she giggled, then he put her down

"She's pretty" Isabella said "she is" ale agreed

"Where's her mom?" She asked and Joey turned to look at me then I looked at Layla

"My mommy left my dad and I a couple months after I was born" Layla looked down play with her fingers

"Oh I-I'm sorry" she said "it's fine" Joey smiled holding Layla's hand

"You're like her mother?" Ale said, and I looked at him confused

"I don't mean it like that, I mean you're like a mom to her" he said "I don't like to think that even though it's true" I said

"But why?" Mattia spoke

"None of your business Polibio" I said "come on let go see the puppies!" Layla came to me jumping around

"Okay" I smiled following her

"Lani when are you going to have a boyfriend?" She asked as we looked at the dogs

"Not anytime soon sweetie" I smiled and Joey laughed "excuse me birlem?" I looked at him

"I'm sorry, but I found that funny for some reason" he said

"You know she could've had one" ale said "what" I turned to him

"But then he...he messed up" he smiled picking Layla up "what did he do?!" She whisper yelled covering her mouth

"I can't pick" I rubbed my temples

"I like that one" ale said "i dont" I said "I like her eyes" Layla smiled pointing at a black dog with light blue eyes

"How do you know it's a she?" Joey asked kneeling on one knee next to her "it's says it right here" she pointed at the sticker that's as on the glass

"That's sad" I smiled "shut up" he elbowed me

"Can you stop staring please" I said looking at Mattia

We looked at the dogs for a couple more minutes and I only like two and I couldn't decide when so Joey and I decided we would go back in a couple weeks.

We went back home and everyone was done decorating the Christmas tree.

"Let go make s'mores!" Roshaun yelled "I'm down!" Everyone smiled and the guys to the backyard to start the fire.

"Lani can you take me to the store one day?" Layla asked helping me get the things

"Absolutely as long as I know why" I smiled looking at her then Isabella sat on the stool

"I want to get me daddy something, you know hes a hard working person and I want to give him something special" she said eating a piece of chocolate

"I know what we can get him" I picked her up and sat her on the counter

I lichee up the crackers on a plate and felt her look at me the whole time

" Aww baby don't cry" looked at her and hugged her

"What's wrong?" Joey walked in with Mattia following behind him

"Nothing dad" she wiped her tears "laylay I know somethings wrong come on tell me princess" Joey said

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