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Kailani's POV

"No I can't remember" she said "hm well we'll figure out soon" I said then kairi pulled up tot the hospital

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked "Nah it's I can go" she smiled "okay then" I smiled

"I still feel like Mattia's the father" kairi said "shut up he isn't" I looked at him "look you never know okay" he said and I looked out my window

"I just don't want him to be the father" I said "but if he is? I know you like him and all but what if he is" he said

"I-I don't know Kairi" I said then we waited for like 30 minutes until Sophia came out the hospital

"So?" I said quickly turning to her "they said that there was something wrong and that they needed to test me again" she explained

"When will the results be ready then?" I asked "Kailani clam down" kairi whispered

"They will send the results to the hospital by our home" she said

"Okay let get home" Kairi said then he drove home

Mattia's POV

"How'd he cut himself?" I asked as I drove with roshaun "he said he was walked then stepped on broken glass" he said

"How the hell did he not see it?" I said as I pulled to the hospital

"He was on the phone then she saw these people arguing and when he turned to see then he stepped on the glass, that's what he told me" roshaun said as we walked to the front desk

"Um we are for Derek Trendz" Roshaun said "alright so who's donating the blood?" The girl asked

"I am" I smiled "and you are?" She asked with a smiled "uh I'm Mattia Polibio" I said

"Okay follow him" she pointed at this guy with a clipboard

"How did he lose so much blood?" I asked  "the doctor said that the glass cut to deep into his blood canals" he explained (idk if that's a thing lmao)

I donated the blood that was needed then went to sit down with roshaun, and saw ale and Alvaro

"So?" Ale asked "I donated blood" I shrugged

"You can go see him now" the doctor walked up to us and we made our way to the room

"Are you stupid?" Ale asked

"Blind fuck" roshaun laughed

"How the hell" Alvaro smiled

"Your welcome" I said

"Wow okay um so yea I feel better they said I might be able to leave today" he said "cool I'm leaving bye bitches" ale said and Alvaro followed Him

"I need to start packing my things I'm leaving tomorrow" said

"Call us once they let you out" roshaun said then we left the hospital

Derek's POV

"Did you get all the blood you need?" I asked sitting up as Jacob walked in "yea" he said

"Can I go now I need to pick up the money" I said "yea so at the bar by the beach right?" He said

"Yea that one" I smiled then I left the room

I called the guys, and we headed back to the dorms "okay but weren't they supposedly give you like crutches or wrap your foot around with sum?" Roshaun asked

"They said my foot was good to go" I looked down at my phone

"I have to go turn some of my work in I'll be back in a few" I said then left the dorm

"Yea I'm on my way" I said as I called Jacob

"Here 5k full" I said handing him the envelope "thank you now just remind Sophia to to the hospital in a couple weeks" he said "alright" I said then we went our separate ways

Kailani's POV

"Did you guys know Derek cut his foot?" I said sitting in the living room with kairi and Sophia

"Yea ale told me" kairi smiled

"How?" Sophia asked "he stepped on glass while walking" I said

"He's so dumb I swear" kairi said then my mom go home

"Mother!" I ran to hug her "hey mija" she smiled then gave kairi a hug.

"Hey Sophia come here" my mom said and they hugged for almost 2 minutes

"Ready to go tell them?" I asked "yea" Sophia took a deep breath

Then we headed over to her house "hey guys" he said and hugged

"I have something to tell you guys" Sophia said and we headed to the kitchen

"What is it?" Her mom smiled "I'm pregnant" she looked down

"Your kidding right?" Her dad said "and she stayed silent and nodded her head no

"Kailani is she kidding?!" They raised their voices "no she isn't, she is about to be 3 weeks in two more days" I said

"Leave" her mom said

"W-what?" Sophia looked up with tears in her eyes "you heard me..and if you don't want us to yell at you leave now" her mom said getting mad

"And don't ever step foot in this house" her dad said then her siblings walked upstairs

"Sophia lets get going" I said grabbing her hand

"No! You guys are family and you should care it's not like I'm getting pregnant at 15 like Bella did!" She cried

"We took care of that" her dad said

"And you were okay with it you think I forgot the joy your eyes were filled with when she told you?! And what about Joey? He got a girl pregnant and left her" she cried

"Your the youngest" her dad said

"And I'm not fucking 12 anymore stop treating my like a little girl!" She yelled

"Do you even know who the father is?!" Both her mom and dad yelled

"No I don't but that's not what matters, I don't need him when I have people who actually care!" She said

"Who would care about a whore like you? tell me their names" her mom said

"Everyone besides her very own family" I said and grabbed her arm dragging her out the house

"Why'd you do that!" She cried

"I wasn't going to let them keep yelling at you, this isn't your fault and they should've understood been mature, and not have said anything like that" I said as I drove back to the house


"Just give her some space" I said and she walked up to my room

"What happened" kairi sat with me in the kitchen "her family got mad and her mom called her a whore" I said and my mom nodded

"Well at least we're here for her" she drank from her coffee.

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