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Another one for y'all!!
( I didn't proofread this one either )
I MIGHT start to post everyday...


"She- she um....she lost her memory"

Joey's POV

"You kidding right?" I said not wanting to believe this

"I wish I was Joey" he said "I gotta go" he said then hung up. "So any updates?" Derek sat by us

"She lost her memory" I said "she what?!" Avani yelled right when I got a text from kairi to not tell her.

"Avani calm down" Ethan said

Mattia's POV

"What the fuck happened and why do you all look like that" I walked to them

"It doesn't concern you Mattia" Joey said standing up

"Where you going?" Derek asked "to pick up Mateo and Layla" he looked down at his phone "can I go with you?" I asked

"Why?" He chuckled

"I don't need to give you reasons" I said and followed him to the front of the house, Luna drove home not that long ago.

I told her I would ask kai for a ride back but he left and maybe since he's picking Mateo I'll be able to see her.

He looked behind us and I seen Alejandro looking at us.

Then I looked at Joey who had a smile on his face "Fine"

"You really think that kid is yours?" He said a couple minutes into the ride to pick up the kids

"What?" I looked at him

"You think she's actually pregnant with your kid?" He asked

"Yes, now don't fucking start" I rolled my eyes

"Mattia see cheating on you, Nd I know for a fact that kid isn't yours" he said "oh so it's yours?" I crossed my arms

"No but I know who's it is?" He said

"I don't care I'm not going to believe you"  I said "so when you find out that kid isn't yours-"

"Joey shut the fuck up" I said "whatever" he said

Then kairi called him.

"You want me to tell him that?" He frowned "what if she doesn't- okay I'll tell him once I get to my house...Mattia came with me" he said

Then hung up.

The whole car ride was quiet the only thing you could here was the engine of the car and the rain hitting the windows.

I looked at him and he seemed down, I swear there's something none of them are telling me.


"Uncle jojo!" Mateo ran to him "hey" he smiled picking him up, "hey dad" Layla carrying some bags "let me help you" I said extending my hand

"It's fine I got it" she walked past me then I heard Mateo whisper something to Joey but I couldn't quite hear what he said

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