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Back at their college

Kailani's POV

"I have to or else the lady said there would be a
consequence" I grabbed my things from avani's dorm

"Bruh I don't want to share with Sophia she's changed" she said grabbing my arm "well idk we'll have to figure something out" I said making my way to my actual dorm

"You're moving back?" Mattia asked "sadly yes" I smiled putting my things down "why? Do you need help or anything?" He asked standing up from his bed

"The lady in the front office found out that I wasn't staying in the dorm that I had to stay in and she said that if I stayed there any longer there would be a consequence" I smiled as all three of us walked out the dorm

"Are these bags yours?" He asked and I nodded then he picked them up

It's took us about 15 minutes to take my things back to the other dorm and fix everything up "I'm tired" I plopped myself onto my bed

"Ugh now I have to deal with her" Avani stood by the door frame "sorry bebe" I made a sad face "fuck you" she smiled as she left slamming the door shut

"It feel weird how you back now" Mattia said out of nowhere "that how you feel because I'm fine" I said grabbing my phone "Ima go buy me some coffe wanna come?" I asked

Mattia's POV

"In you yea" I smiled "huh" she looked confused "I said yea" I laughed

"Oh okay cuz I heard something else" she looked down

She's so fucking short I love it, you know you y'all people but their arm on a short person's shoulder, well I can put my arm in her head and call it me arm rest

"What?" She smiled at me "nothing" I smiled back

We got in her car and headed to Starbucks "shiiitt it's cold" I head as we got out her car "you want me to give you my hoodie?" She laughed, he laughed is just adorable I can't take it

"No thank you" I smiled and opened the door for her

"I'm going to pay just giving you a heads up" I said "who said that?" He looked up at me

"I'm I just did" I chuckled

"Yo Lani" Quinton said as he walked in

"Quinton!" She smiled hugging him "I heard the news" he said and I got confused

Kailani's POV

"About me getting a dog?" I said "yea your mom and my mother keep going back and forth with it" he smiled and his eyes sparkled

"It's crazy how they still get along after what we made them go through" I looked down "I know I think about that every time I see them or hear them on the phone" he smiled

We ordered our drinks then talked for a while

"What was all that about" Mattia asked "what was what?" I said clueless

"You and him" he looked at me as we got in the car "Mattia just tell me what's wrong me cause I ain't gonna be guessing" I started the car

"I was basically third wheeling" he said "you were third wheeling because you didn't want to talk" I smiled

"And the way you two looked at each other, you thought I didn't notice..at one point I thought you guys were going to kiss" he said annoyed

"You jealous?" I asked driving back to our building

"Yes and a lot, that son of a bitch hurt you and you look at him as if he were that perfect guy" he said and I laughed a little

"It's not funny" he looked out the window "it's cute when your jealous" I smiled and he looked at me rolling his eyes

"I would never go back to him if you think that's what I'm going to do" I said parking the car

"Yea then next thing we all know you're with him..just watch I know it's going to happen" he said as we walked back to our dorm

"Mattia can you stop talking about him like come on" I smiled opening the door

"I just can't..it pissed me off a lot and you're lucky I didn't beat him up right there and then" he smiled

"Yea yea whatever" I rolled my eyes


Sup y'all so idk if you are all liking the way that the book is going or if you guys want something to happen??

Idk just comment and I'll try to see what I can do❤️🥰

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