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Mattia Polibio - Kailani's roommate-can be rude at times/ rarely nice/ confusing-stays out late-non virgin

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Mattia Polibio
- Kailani's roommate
-can be rude at times/ rarely nice/ confusing
-stays out late
-non virgin

Mattia Polibio - Kailani's roommate-can be rude at times/ rarely nice/ confusing-stays out late-non virgin

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Kairi Cosentino
-Alejandro's roommate
-best friends with Mattia & Alejandro
-non virgin

Alejandro de Jesus Rosario -Kairi's roommate - best friends with the boys -crackhead/nice -Non virgin as well

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Alejandro de Jesus Rosario
-Kairi's roommate
- best friends with the boys
-Non virgin as well

Kailani Gonzales- Mattia's roommate - nice body/ sensitive at times/ nice/ badass when she wants- best friends with Avani & Sophia

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Kailani Gonzales
- Mattia's roommate
- nice body/ sensitive at times/ nice/ badass when she wants
- best friends with Avani & Sophia

Avani Gregg -Sophia's roommate - the crackhead/ badass/ nice but rude at times -basically Kailani's sister from another family and best friends with Sophia

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Avani Gregg
-Sophia's roommate
- the crackhead/ badass/ nice but rude at times
-basically Kailani's sister from another family and best friends with Sophia

Avani Gregg -Sophia's roommate - the crackhead/ badass/ nice but rude at times -basically Kailani's sister from another family and best friends with Sophia

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Sophia Birlem
-roomies with Avani
-best friends with the girls
-gets literally any guy she wants
-bad bitch I guess

There will be other characters too I was just too lazy to put them in this chapter lmao😂

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