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Christmas Morning

Kailani's POV

"Lani!" Layla jumped on me "morning cutie" I said as she hugged me " Merry Christmas" she smiled "merry Christmas to you too" I kissed her forehead

"Sophia said to tell you to help me get ready" she said going under the blankets

"Okay then, in five minutes we get ready" I said closing my eyes

"Joey!" I yelled and he jumped on the bed "wake up" he said right in my ear "back off" I laughed pushing his head away from me

"Joey I need to get up" I smiled and he laid his head on my chest "no only a few more minutes" he wrapped his arms around me

"we need to get ready" Layla said moving his hair off his face

"Okay princess" he said

"Guess I'll see you two downstairs in a couple hours" he laughed "guess you will" I smiled resting my hand on his jaw

"Ew please don't kiss in front of me" Layla said "then cover your eyes" Joey chuckled

And she threw the blankets over her, he looked at me and smiled.

Soon his lips were on mine, "bye jojo" I said pulling away "bye Lani, bye princess" he said kissing Layla on the forehead

"Let's go get ready!" She smiled as Joey left closing the door

"Go pick out your outfit while I take a shower and change" I said and she ran out the room

I didn't waste anymore time and quickly fixed the bed.

She came back to the room within minutes.

"We're gonna get you ready first okay?" I said and she ran to the bathroom.

I helped her shower, then helped her change as well.

She sat on my bed and played games on my phone while I took a shower and changed into

"You look so pretty!" Layla said looking up from my phone "you do too, now come or we gotta do your hair" I said picking her up

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"You look so pretty!" Layla said looking up from my phone "you do too, now come or we gotta do your hair" I said picking her up.

As I sat her on the counter, there were knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled and started to do her hair "morning babes" avani and Sophia walked in "hello" Layla and I said

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