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Kailani's POV

I walked to the dorm and got all my things ready then went to shower.

I don't feel like getting ready with Avani and Sophia, plus Mattia isn't here so it's just me here.

I got in the shower and let the warm water run down my body, it felt so relaxing and for some reason I felt like a lot of stress was taken off my shoulders.

After I took my shower I slipped on my dress⬇️

I dried my hair then straightened it because why not?

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I dried my hair then straightened it because why not?

I did my make up but needed up giving up. It looked good but no as good as the way Avani does it.

I looked in my bag where I have all my jewelry and put on my diamond Cuban linked anklet and chain on.

"Damn" I heard Roshaun say "what the fuck when did you get in here?" I said shocked "just right now why- damn" Mattia ranked me top to bottom

"I see you..looking cute for my boy kairi" roshaun smiled "no" I smiled back and and Mattia kept his eyes on me

"Can I help you?" I looked at him "huh oh um n-no" he looked away

~~~~ At the party ~~~~

"Jack I've been looking everywhere for you" I said walking into the kitchen "sorry lani my phone died" he smiled passing me a bottle.

"Have you seen Avani?" I asked opening it "she went that Anthony guy" he said and I just smiled

"Damn Kailani" Sophia walked into the kitchen with Mattia behind her laying his eyes on me

"What is something on me?" I said looking at myself "yea every guy here has their eyes on you" she smiled

"You scared me stupid" I smiled "give me a cup" she pointed at the stack behind me

"Have you seen Kairi?" I asked "yea he was over by the DJ" she smiled "come on Jack" I pulled his arm

"KAI" I smiled, damn the alcohol kicked in real fast

I hugged him and his hands snaked around my waist hugging me tight

"Hey" he smiled "your drunk already?" I asked "drunk and high" he smirked

"Should I be scared?" I looked at the boys and they all nodded their heads "no"

"Wanna dance?" He said then lead me to the dance floor without me saying anything.

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