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2 days later

Joey's POV

I woke up around 6 in the morning and got out of bed slowly trying to not wake Layla and Kailani up.

I took a quick shower and changed into black jeans and a white shirt, then I put on a red Champion hoodie on.

"Where you going?" Sophia walked walking out her room

"The store for some flowers" I said "okay then" she said giving me a side hug and I headed out.

I bought two boutiques of roses, red and white ones.

I heard over to the the cemetery.

I walked over to his grave and moved all the leaves and snow that were covering the stone with his name off it.

The white glass stone shined as the sun hit it, I fixed up the flowers.

"6 years without you man...I remember the day we met..I was new to our school and you got to be my partner" I said smiled at the memory

"Hey class so today we have a new student, his name is Joey Birlem, please say good morning to Joey" the teacher said as I stood by her side

"Good morning Joey" the whole class said making me more nervous than I already was

" Omar will be your partner, Omar can you raise your hand please" she said and a boy in the back moved his hand up in the air like crazy

"Hey, I'm Omar" he smiled "I-I'm Joey" I said taking a seat next to him

We started to do our work, then the teacher gave us free time

"Wanna be my friend?" He asked "um yea sure" I smiled drinking my water

"Mrs. Wilson I have a friend now!" He shouted "really that's good" she smiled

"I can't tell we are gonna be friends for a long time" we both said then laughed it off

"We got through elementary, middle, and high school together..I wish we would've made it longer though" I said as my eyes got watery

"6 years without the guy who was there for me when no one was, the guy who made me laugh when I was at my lowest...If it weren't because of you I wouldn't be alive, and with a beautiful daughter" I wiped my tear off

"I miss our jokes, laughs, arguments over stupid shit, the days we played video games until 6 in the morning, the life we had back then, when no would would tell us anything, we were the party animals" I smiled

"I miss our bond, I miss having you here with everyone...your sister and I paid to get the car customed, so you better like it because we spent money" a tear dropped into the rose infront of me

"Layla saw the photo al min with pictures of us two, she asked about you, and everyday she has a question to ask, like what was your favorite color, sport, song and other questions like that"

"She loves your sister so much, she says she's like a mom to her...I know it's weird but at the same time it's heart warming" I looked down

"I wish you could be here" I said looking up after I heard a couple of steps

"Hey jojo" Lani smiles "hey" I wiped my tears

"When did you get here?" She asked "a couple minutes ago" I smiled

"After 6 years it still shines like new" she sighed

"It does" I agreed

"I miss him so much" she said tearing up

"Everyday Joey, even after 6 years, the pain doesn't go away, my best fucking friend" I said "come here" I pulled her into a hug, letting her cry it all out

We stayed there for a while then I went back to my car and headed back to the house so she could have some time alone.

Kailani's POV

"I miss you bitch" I said wiping my tear

"I know I saw you like a couple weeks ago while I was in coma, but I wish we had more time together" I said

"I mean a lot to me, I miss running into your room and jumping in your bed trying to wake you up so you could make me some breakfast since mom was at work" my eyes got watery

"I miss when mom and dad would yell at us because we couldn't be still in the back of the car, either we were dying of laughter or fighting, remember that day we stayed at nana's house and I fell" I cried

"You helped me up as I cried and helped walk to the chair...then you ran off to get a bandaid...you told me nothing bad would happen to me because you would always be by my side" I wiped my tears off

"I made it into our dream college" I smiled as a couple more tears ran down my face "I remember how mom would always tell us to not go to the same college" I laughed a little

"Good times....but this time I did it for you" I looked up at the sun which shined brighter than usual

I stayed a couple more minutes remembering the amazing memories I have left of when he was still with us.

It started to get a little cloudy then it started to snow a little

"Hmm guess that mean I gotta go" I said "love you brother" I smiled and went back home

"Lani!" Layla yelled as I walked into the house

"Hey cutie" I said picking her up giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I walked over to the kitchen to see all the guys and my mom.

"I'm teaching them how to make cookies" she smiled "nice" I smiled

"Mija your eyes are red, are you okay?" She frowned, then I felt everyone's eyes one me

"yea I'm fine" I smiled

"Did you go visit uncle Omar?" Layla asked "yes I did" I said putting her down


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