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Kailani's POV

"Yo there's going to be a party later tonight let's go!" Alejandro yelled bursting in the room

"Chill the fuck out okay" I laughed and he sat down on my bed "I've been wanting to ask this" he said

"I'm all ears monkey" I smiled "so you know how you and kairi are step siblings have you guys told your parents...and have you guys done it again??" He said and I started to laugh

"Why are you laughing?" He smiled "you think we are really going to tell them that and no we haven't done it now that all that happened" I lied about the last part

"Tell your parents what?" Mattia asked "that her and kai fucked before they you know" ale said and Mattia just nodded

"Well I'm leave see you guys sta the party right?" He said standing and we nodded and he left.

"I'm going to get ready" we both said in sync "no I'm going first you take hella long" I said pushing him back "sorry mini sized KitKat" he picked me up and threw my on his bed

"You fucking dinosaur" I laughed getting back up "that's my clothes" he said after I grabbed them from his hand and threw it across the room

I was about to shit the door as he pulled me pulled me by the waist

"You thought it was gonna be easy?" He whispered in my ear giving my the chills

"Nah I thought it was gonna be like going around the world in one day" I smiled

"Mattia please" I said trying to get his hands off me

"No" was all he said as he carried me around the room while he took my things out the bathroom and took his in

"You take so long" I whined "you have two choices either get in with me or wait" he put me down

"I'll wait" I looked up at him smiling "okay then" he said then walked back to the bathroom.

I grabbed my things and went over to Avani's dorm "can I shower here?" I asked and she nodded then I went to take my shower.

I got ready and wore this

"Ima head back I'll see you at the party" I smiled before leaving

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"Ima head back I'll see you at the party" I smiled before leaving

I got back to my dorm and Mattia was still in the bathroom

"Can you hurry up?" I knocked on the door

"Why?" He asked "bitch hurry the fuck up and don't ask why" I said

I went sat on my bed and just waited until I got a text from kairi asking if we were going.

"About time" I said standing up

"How are-"

"I went over to avani" I smiled "okay then" he said putting his chain on.

I stood up to get my makeup bag "can I do your makeup" Mattia said standing my the door

"What?"I laughed looking at him "wait you really wanna do it?" I smiled and he nodded

"Okay as long as you don't fuck it all up" I said and me smiled "sit on the counter" he said then helped my on it since my short ass couldn't.

I'm surprised he knows what he's doing "my ass is getting numb" I smiled moving a little bit "dont move" he chuckled

After a couple more minutes he was done "there" he said and I turned around "holy shit" I smiled

"You like it?" He asked as I got off the counter "yea you're my makeup artist from now on" I laughed

"Come on let's go" he said and we walked out the dorm.

~~~~at the party~~~~

"Where's Sofia?" I asked "why you asking for that hoe" Avani said "I was just wondering jeez" I put my hand up in defense

"She's such a hoe, she can get any man she wants with a fucking snap of her fingere" he coughs a bottle of beer

"I really thought you guys were going to last" I said "so did I" she looked down

"Let's go get you a man" I dragged her to the dance floor "no thank you I'm not in the mood" she said Walking to a couch

"Fine I'll be around then" I smiled and left her "Jack!" I yelled and he turned around

"Hey! What you been up to" he hugged me tight "I'm currently trying to find avani a new man" I smiled and he handed me a beer from a cooler

"Really? What happened to her and that Anthony dude?" He took a sip from his beer

"He cheated on her with Sophia and they are together now" I said and he choked

"She all pissed off and sad about it" I said "make them mad" he said

"Who?" I took a sip

"Sophia and Anthony" he smiled "how" I asked confused

"Remember Ethan...he goes to this collage now" he said and my eyes went wide

"Wait you're taking about Ethan the one who fucked Sophia up? Her first and only boyfriend! Are you crazy he'll nah" I said looking around

"It's the only way like just imagine" he said

It would make Sophia mad but idk about Anthony maybe it would make him jealous.

Ethan was Sophia's first and only boyfriend, besides Mattia. They were together since seventh grade and broke up by the end is sophomore year. They were THE couple.

Sophia didn't take the break up pretty well, that changed who she was, after their break up she became the "hoe" of our school

Ethan talked with avani and I about the reason, mainly because Sophia didn't want to hear about it, she would say that he cheated on her and that's why they broke up and other shit like that.

He didn't feel the same energy anymore, and those speaks he had and everything he didn't feel them no more.

"Let's go find Avani" I grabbed Jacks hand "bitch I found you a man" I said "Jack no offense but no" she took a sip from her beer

"None taken but it's Ethan" he said and she spit out her beer "ew" I smiled moving away

"Why? You want me to die?" She said

"Hey guy's" a guy stood in front of us


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