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~With hickeys all over his body~

Kailani's POV

He quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on, after that he looked embarrassed

"There was no need for you to cover up, not that I want to see your abs or hickey but I don't really give a fuck" I said laying in my bed

He stayed silent and took a deep breath

I got a call from Kairi
Lani: sup Kai

Kai: you going to the party later tonight?

Lani: yessir

Kai: ale says you a bitch for taking his girl from him 😂

Lani: first off she took me from your side sooooo it was all her😂

Kai: oh well see you later

Lani: ight ima take a nap bye bitch

Kai: bye mini KitKat 😂

I hung up "seems like you got along with my friends pretty well" Mattia said and I turned around to where I could see him

"You got along with my friends too you even made out with her and god knows you probably even fucked her" I said

"Are you mad about me fucking her?" He said with his voice rising

"no I'm just saying, because it sounds like you don't like how I get along with your friends when your out there fucking my friends" I said facing the ceiling

"I didn't fuck them both I just fucked one of them" he said mad "but you still fucked her" I said

"She was soo good like I would fuck her any day" he said "good for you" I smiled

I'm getting mad, big mad but I'm not going to show him how mad I am because I'm good at hiding my feelings around assholes like him.

I can tell he's trying to get me mad, and it's working for him.

"The way she rode me god it's something that makes you wanna do it again" he said "I don't wanna here about that shit it's disgusting, don't think I give fuck about you and her because I don't" I said annoyed

"Then why you getting annoyed?" He smirked

"because your fucking annoying like I don't wanna hear any of that shit you guys had if you two fucked good for you I don't care" I said grabbing my phone and keys then stood up

"Where you going?" He grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him

"None of your business" I looked up at him "are you leaving because your mad that I fucked her and not you?" He said getting closer to my face

"No I'm leaving because I want to take a fucking nap and you ain't letting that happen" I said "stay we can both take a nap together" he said centimeters away from my face

"Why don't you call Sophia over?" I pushed him away and walked out the room.

I'm mad because I felt things for him, I don't know why or what the things were but I did, I really felt them

And he fucked my best friend, I mean she's a hoe and fucks any guy, gets any guy she wants so I wouldn't be surprised if one day she ends up pregnant and doesn't know who the damn father is

I knocked on Kairi's door "it's open!" He yelled "um sorry" I looked down after seeing him shirtless

"It's fine have you not seen a shirtless guy before?" He chuckled then I looked up "I have but i just walked in to you like that and I don't know maybe you thought I was ale" I smiled

"What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to me taking a nap?" He said "I was supposed to but Mattia's bitchass was being hella annoying" I smiled

"So you came to take a nap here?" He smiled "yep well if you let me" I looked around their dorm.

"Yea sure pick any bed and take your nap, I'll be back real quick..oh and if you need anything just call or text me" he said before leaving the dorm and I nodded

I chose his bed because it looked the most comfiest. And it was really comfortable.

I was asleep but heard when he got back "shh be quiet" he whispered

Every time I sleep I always hear all my surroundings.

Which I find weird because one day I fell asleep at home and heard my older brother and his girlfriend, that shit was nasty.

Kairi's POV

"Have you guys done it?" Ale said sitting in his bed "I said shut the fuck up..and no we haven't" I looked at him

"Why?" He said "because I don't want her to think I'm just friends with her get in her pants I'm not like that" I looked down

"Your so nice to every girl and they always break your heart..." he said

"So your saying she's going to break my heart?" I said "yea basically" he looked at his phone

"I'm going to be at Katie's room see you at the party man" he said then walked out the room.

10 minutes after Alejandro left I sat on his bed thinking.

He is right I'm always nice to all these girls and stay loyal to them and always end up being heart broken, not really but they always do some shit and act as if it was all my fault.

I fixed up my clothes and cleaned the room up a bit.

Kailani's POV

"I know she's in here let me talk to her" I heard Sophia voice as I woke up

"She's sleeping" Kairi said "I can wake her up" she said then jumped on me "get off" I said "damn moody much" she got off me

"What are you doing here?" We both asked "you answer me first I haven't seen you these past days" I said

"I been around" she smiled "what are you doing here though?" She asked and kairi stood by the door

"I was sleeping" I said looking at the bed

"But this ain't your dorm" she smiled "yea well Mattia, you know the one you fucked, my roommate yea him well he was being annoying" I said grabbing my phone to check the time.

"Oh shit I need to get ready" I said standing up "Yea we were waiting for you" Sophia said

"Whatever I need to get my clothes" I stood up grabbing my keys "bye kairi see you there right?" I smiled

"Yea" he smiled then I left and went to get my clothes.


I'll be posting later today maybe

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