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Two days later

Mattia's POV

I could go to sleep last night, Kailani has been the only thing going through my mind.

I need to go see her, and tell her what happened.

I changed into some dark jeans and a white shirt then headed over to her house.

"Hey is she here?" I said as kai opened the door

"No she went to joey's house with Sophia" he said letting me in "who's Joey?" I asked "sophias brother" he said taking a bite from a cookie

"Did you tell her?" I asked "no I told her she should let you tell her" we walked up to his room.

"Mattia why did you do this to her?" He asked "because I was scared" I sat on his bed

"Scared of what? Losing her? Because it didnt seem like it, did you see the joy in her eyes when she got back and saw you?" He stood in front of me.

"She would have waited" he said then laid on the bed

Kailani's POV

"Mines better" I smiled as Sophia and I compared the cookies i we made

"Lair mine do" he laughed putting more sprinkles on her's

"Let's let Layla decide" I smiled picking up joey's daughter and sitting her on the counter

"This ones pretty" she smiled picking one of the cookies I made

"I told you she would like mine" I smiled "yea yea whatever" she rolled her eyes playfully

"Hmm cookies" Joey smiled walking into the kitchen

"Who the fuck made these?!" He spit out the cookie "oh come on they aren't that bad" Sophia hit him

"Bitch" he said flipping it over and the bottom was all burnt

We laughed a little "did you make these?" He asked pointing at the ones that Layla was eating "no Lani made them" Layla smiled giving Joey a bite from her cookie

"Damn these are good" his eyes widened "I know" I smiled looking at Sophia

"One day you're gonna make something that tastes horrible" she said

"Daddy can I have a cup of milk?" Layla asked "anything for my princess" he smiled kissing her cheek

"Lani can you get me the little blue cup that has like some stars on it, it's in the second cabinet" he said "yea sure" I smiled

I grabbed the cup and handed it to him, we all starts to talk and have fun

"okay I know this is gonna sound weird especially since like this is my brother, but you would be a good mom and wife" Sophia said

"Sophia shut up" both of us said "I'm just saying, especially you and Matti-"

"We don't speak about him" I said looking at her

"What happened between you two? Like before you got into a coma you guys loved each other and now" she stopped

"Things happen okay" I looked down "I'm sorry I-"

"It's fine soph, I knew this was gunna happen" I said

"Are you going to stay her for the night or do I take you back home because I'm leaving now" I said standing

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