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This is a longish chapter

Next morning

Mattia's POV

I woke up and didn't see Kailani.

She made me feel different about her, A LOT  different.

Like it's didn't feel like we hooked up, it felt like we made love.

I sat up and grabbed my phone to see a bunch of texts from Sophia.

I left her one read and went to take a shower.

As much as I wanted to stop Kailani I couldn't.

Kailani's POV

I woke up early so I wouldn't have to see him when he woke up.

I took a quick shower and changed and covered my hickeys⬇️

I left the room as quick and quietly as I could something told me we shouldn't have done it

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I left the room as quick and quietly as I could something told me we shouldn't have done it.

I got a call from Avani telling me that they were at the coffee shop.

"Morning" I smiled as I sat at their table "I have good news but promise me you won't be mad" Sophia looked at me

"Okay...thank you" I smiled at a boy came and gave us our coffee

"Damn this is good" I smiled and Avani and Sophia looked at each other

"I have a boyfriend" Sophia blurted "Really?! Who?" I said and she looked down

"You won't be mad?" She said "no why would I be?" I smiled taking a sip of my coffee

"Because he's your roommate" she said and I choked on my coffee

"Shit I'm sorry" I said and cleaned up the little mess "I feel bad" she said "there is no need you guys make a cute couple plus I'm talking to a guy" I lied

"Really what's his name?" Avani smiled "Noah" I smiled

"Is he mixed?" She asked "yea" I smiled

"Hey babe" Sophia said then Mattia walked up with Kairi next to him

"Hey" he smiled "babe? When did you two get together?" Kairi took a seat next to me

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