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Y'all gonna love me for this


Kailani's POV

"Mattia Polibio do you take Luna Salvador as you wife......." he priest spoke

And I looked down fighting my tears back,

Stand up you gonna regret it, he still loves you, he always has.

If he did he wouldn't be marrying here right now.

Unless you do something, don't let them marry.

"Lani" Sophia whispered "I- I can't" I whispered at her with tears running down my face.

And she looked at me, with a sad look and all the guys had there focus up front.

"I'm leaving" I said just so she could here, she didn't say anything she just stayed quiet and I got up to leave.

And as I opened the door to walk out, I heard him.


Y'all almost there trust me


"I-I do"

Please let this be a dream.

And it's all fake everything, and he never actually left, please let me just wake up next to him, and have him calm me down telling me it was all just a bad dream and everything is okay, then kiss me and lay back down and cuddled.

I turned around slowly.

"You may kiss the bride" I heard the priest say, why am I still here?

This isn't no dream Kailani this is real life, I'm sorry.

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