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Thank you guys soo much for 10k reads!🥳
I really appreciate every single one of you who's reading the book❤️


"Nope not at all, it's called faking sweetie"

Kailani's POV

I looked at Mattia and he shook his head looking away.

"Really because you I could tell you got mad when you found out I fucked him" Sophia said

"I don't see what your trying to do" I said seeing Mattia leave and Jenna walk to her friends "I know your jealous" she smirked

"Yea yea whatever fuck off I'm leaving" I pushed her to the side and walked back to the dorm

When I got there I threw my self on my bed.

I don't plan on going to class today because I don't like it and all she does it talk.

I can't believe I said that with him standing there, he heard and now he probably hates me.

I grabbed my black note book and started to write on it, it's kinda like a diary but not really, it's just about my thoughts and feelings, no secrets.

I stopped writing on it and threw it in the trash can, all the thoughts and events that happened when I first got here till today are documented in there.

"Hey Lani" I heard ale say as the door opened "let's go ale" Mattia said after he grabbed something

"Chill" ale said "ale please leave" I said looking away from Mattia.

"Okay then see you later" he smiled then left

~~~~ couple hours later ~~~~

Everyone is going to this party tonight, they say it's going to be the best.

"Nope I'm not going, and there's nothing that's gonna change my mind" I said covering my face with a pillow

"Bitch get you mind off Mattia and what you said and let's gooooo!" Avani shook me "mmm....no" I smiled looking at her

"Come on please do this one for me" she said hitting my with a pillow "I'm sorry but I can't this time" I said sitting up

"Please you know what you said wasn't true so why worry about it?" She said sitting face to face with me

"Because I know he hates me?" I rolled my eyes "how do you know that? What if he's not?" She said looking at her phone

"I can see it in him and he makes it obvious...I fucked up!" I palming my face

"I have to go, you better go or else I'll tell you mom bout you and Kairi" she said standing "bitch you wouldn't" I smiled

"Oh trust me I will" she said giving me that look letting me know that she will "I better see you" she winked then left

I had like two hours left so I took a shower.

I heard the door open as I got my makeup ready "ugh" I said to myself as I messed up

I tired doing it agin put kept messing up then I heard Mattia chuckle "sucks to no know how" he said

"Haha fuck you" I rolled my eyes " do you need help?" He asked

"Yes" I looked at him then looked away "that sucks" he said then walked out

I rolled my eyes and finished doing my make up.

After what seemed like and hour I finished my makeup and made lose curls then slipped my dress on.

After what seemed like and hour I finished my makeup and made lose curls then slipped my dress on

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I was an an hour late according to avani even though I told her I was on my way.

"About time!" She smiled hugging me "you got drunk without me huh?" I smiled

"Just a little" she smiled then took me to the kitchen

"Who did you make up?!" She shouted in my face "I did" I smiled

"Nah your kidding" she said almost falling "no I had a couple mistakes but this was the final result" I laughed getting a bottle of tequila

"Ethan can you take her?" I smiled as he walked into the kitchen "yea sure, damn you make up looks fire who did it?" He said

"I did" I took a sip of my drink "can you believe she can finally do makeup?!" Avani said

"Yea" he laughed

And from the corner of my eye I saw Mattia and jelly bean walk in the kitchen

"Hey Kailani! Your here" ale said giving me a hug "why would I miss a party like this" I smiled

"You literally didn't want to come bitch" avani slapped my bum "I ended up having a reason to come" I smiled

Alejandro was getting him self a drink when Derek walked up to us.

"Heard you didn't feel anything about Mattia and that it was all fake?" He said looking me in the eye "are you really going there?" I asked

"Just saying" he said and Alejandro looked confused

"I lied to Sophia okay, what I said about not feeling anything was a lie it all was" I said

"Wanna make him jealous?" He asked "um no" I said

"Why not?" He said "because I don't care and there's no need to make him jealous" I said

"Oh come on I know there's something in you that wants to make him jealous" he chuckled

"Derek I don't want to make him jealous" I smiled looking down then he walked infront of me

"But it hurts you" he whispered "and? It's not like making him jealous will change anything" I rolled my eyes

"We should give it a try" he smiled


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