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"If you were here these past couple days, you would've known" I said

Mattia's POV

"Goddamnit can we just forget that I was gone!" I said looking at her

I left like everything was falling apart "but it's true everyone knows Mattia" she looked at me

Why would she leave? Did I do something wrong? Is kairi also leaving?

"Then tell me" I said

"I-I can't" she looked down "is it because you're lying" I said and she looked up

"No it's not, it's because I don't want to leave, but I have too, I really wish I could tell you but I can't" she said

"Why? Why can't you tell me?" I said

Kailani's POV

"Just ask the guys" I looked down, I don't want to tell him.

And I can't, and it hurts because I love him.

But I mean he's moved on and has a girlfriend, I don't think it's gonna affect him.

"I want to hear it from you" he grabbed my arm "Mattia, I can't tell you, I'm sorry but I can't" my eyes started to get watery

"I have to go, avani is waiting for me" I looked down wiping me tears.

He slowly let go and I walked away without saying anything.

Mattia's POV

I watched her walk away, then walked into the dorm.

I called kai and he said they were on their way back to their dorms.

"Hey what's up?" He said walking in after a couple minutes

"Why is she moving?" I as as he sat on her bed

"Her dad came to the house last weekend, and well both her parents argued about something, and now she's moving with her dad and the collage close to where he lives" he said

"I don't understand, why couldn't she just tell me this" I said

"Because it's sad" he looked up at me "tell me the reason, because I know that's not it" I said

"She doesn't want to leave, she said she doesn't want to leave any of us, other stuff like that, the only one she knows from that collage is jack" he said

"When did jack move?" I asked confused "like almost a month ago" kairi said

"I know this is sad but I'm still not convinced" I looked down

"Bruh I'm not supposed to tell you this but..she still loves you, a lot" he said

"And you over here-"

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